amp sim

  1. H

    Buy AX8 or keep using soft amp sims?

    Hi, I am considering buying a ax8 secondhand for 600 euro. I’m a bedroom player and at the moment I use several amp sims (scuffham, amplitube and a couple of neural dsp sims). The trouble is that most of the time i am searching for a good sound than playing music. I wonder if I can solve that...
  2. Les Paul Rider

    Guitar Rig vs Axe-Fx III: is there really a better tone?

    (There is a similar thread from 2009 but it has been 11 years now) Hi everyone, an Axe Fx has been on my bucket list for a few years now. In 14 days I will be 40, and I thought it would be a good way to celebrate my birthday. I currently have a Marshall and a Randall with a 2x12, but they are...
  3. S

    Using an analog head for purely power, using the axe fx for amp and cab sim

    Hey all. New owner of an Axe Fx ii xl+ but I have yet to purchase a power amp. So for now, I'm using the FX loop on my Randall V2H head. Im currently using the clean channel and using the axe as a glorified pedal board. I have yet to mess around with my own presets in Axe edit, but before I...
  4. D

    Amp/cab configuration for live through PA

    Hi! I'm new to AX8, and I want to use it live conecting it diecty to the PA system. The problem is than I don't have a good PA to test how my presets would sound like. I've seen than presets that sounds great through my DAW and monitor/hedphones sound creepy where I use them with the poweramp...
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