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  1. nextfoolmartyr

    (another?) wait list thread...

    I'd been so pleased with my Ultra that I havent messed with the forum or had thoughts of changing rigs... Until... I ran across a thread on Rig Talk about the tone matching feature and since I do nothing but covers immediately checked back in to see what I'm missing. Best I can tell, the...
  2. nextfoolmartyr

    Its 106 in Houston and I have to leave my Ultra in my car

    All day waiting for practice. If its 106 outside my car its safe to say its MUCH warmer in the car. Is there some melt-down danger I need to be aware of or will it be fine? Thanks!
  3. nextfoolmartyr

    46&2 Live, Ultra/QSC

    We played last weekend and finally got a (sort of) recording. Guitar seems buried to me but wanted to see if anyone has some input on how I can make this better. Next gig SHOULD have better audio, but this one is Sony HandyCam mic with some post-processing by my bass player but I dont...
  4. nextfoolmartyr

    Going stereo live

    I'm just thinking out loud here... To go stereo you'd use both outs to two different monitors/speakers. If you did that live, you'd have to mic the cabs, right? Otherwise is there some sort of outboard equipment that you'd have to buy to go direct to FOH?
  5. nextfoolmartyr

    Volume swells and the Fractal Controller

    I have several songs in the set that use volume swells. Sometimes they swell to full volume and sometimes to a volume less than full. Its a precision effect in the songs I try to emulate. Is there a way I can program a CC change to swell from 0 to a preset amount (less than 100%)? I ask...
  6. nextfoolmartyr

    Volume swells and the Fractal Controller

    I have several songs in the set that use volume swells. Sometimes they swell to full volume and sometimes to a volume less than full. Its a precision effect in the songs I try to emulate. Is there a way I can program a CC change to swell from 0 to a preset amount (less than 100%)? I ask...
  7. nextfoolmartyr

    MXR Micro Amp

    Any idea's on which drive pedal I should use to most closely match a Micro Amp? I've never actually used the MXR but rumor has it, its whats on Adam's board... Thanks!
  8. nextfoolmartyr


    Sorry, I cant see a delete thread button.
  9. nextfoolmartyr

    Output clipping/level setting

    I've got one patch that is LOADED up (pushing 92% on the Ultra). I do this so that I can stompbox my effects instead of changing patches (I'm a lag-time obsessor). I've got my patch set so that when my stompboxes are off I have no output clipping issues. When engage the flanger I get output...
  10. nextfoolmartyr

    Newb Global Input Volume Calibration question

    I'm not really a Newb, but I cant recall how to do this: I've got my main expression pedal set to control the input level, similar to how you use your guitars volume knob to clean up a dirty single channel amp. I need to recalibrate the thing because the sweep is wonky and hard to control...
  11. nextfoolmartyr

    How do you boost a filter effect?

    If I have patch that has a filter on 100% of the time, and for a solo boost I just want to bump up the dB's on that filter, how do you do this?
  12. nextfoolmartyr

    Autoengage does what exactly?

    I've got my external pedal 2 controlling a wha. When I jam my toe down, like you do with a real wah to toggle on/off, it doesnt work. The wha is always on. I go into the I/O modifier menu and find the autoengage option, set it to off, and that doesnt make any difference. Where do I find the...
  13. nextfoolmartyr

    Artist Specific Presets

    Given Cliff's talent for replicating tones of all sorts I wonder what the possibilities of him offering more in the way of different artists tones. Yes, I know that several presets address this (which makes me know that it can be done), but there are 1,000's of cool tones out there and for guys...
  14. nextfoolmartyr

    Help identifying what the effect is?

    There is a section of the song: Between 4:05 and 4:24 that I cant wrap my head around. Flanger? Chorus? Both with some sort of tremolo and compression? Think you can help?
  15. nextfoolmartyr

    Unexpected bass adjustment last night

    I was in rehearsal last night. I fired up the Ultra around 5:30 yesterday. Started playing around 7. All is fine. Around 10:00, out of nowhere there was a very noticeable bass "enhancement", even though I never touched the unit all night long. So noticeable my drummer with tin-ears said...
  16. nextfoolmartyr

    External Looper Set Up help needed

    I need to re-record some one-shot guitar samples with my Ultra. I previously recorded the one-shots with a mic in front of a Diezel half stack. Now that my tone is different/better, I want to re-do these so they blend in with my new sound. When I run this setup: Guitar>Ultra>Boss...
  17. nextfoolmartyr

    Patch spillover

    I know there is reverb and delay spillover, but is there a patch spillover to avoid that dead air that happens during a patch change?
  18. nextfoolmartyr

    Volume pedal modifiers for minimum volume.

    After a few hours of experimenting I was finally able to actually get my expression pedals to affect a volume block. Well, let me rephrase that... I could see the volume pedal turn the "virtual level" knob, but I couldnt find a way to actually make it do what I wanted. When I selected the...
  19. nextfoolmartyr

    Global input volume adjustment?

    I've set up my expression pedal to be a global input volume. I'd like to adjust it so that is not completely off when heel down. I cant seem to find a way to do this. I dont want to run the volume in a patch, if at all possible, global is what I'm hoping for. And it has to be input volume...
  20. nextfoolmartyr

    Firmware update times?

    I'm doing my first firmware update, from v.6 to v.12. I'm using a Mac laptop & Midisport 2x2. Its been file transferring for about 30 minutes and is only 1/4 of the way through. I'm hoping this is normal. Can you guys give me some assurance?
  21. nextfoolmartyr

    Patch using 95% of Ultra's Memory/Resources

    Is there a point of "its just not a good idea to push it" in regards to making patches? I've got one patch pretty loaded up and it (the patch) will handle just about a whole gig's worth of songs. I'm purposely trying to avoid having to change patches (especially during a song). Is there any...
  22. nextfoolmartyr

    "Wah" sounding in higher registers?

    Any idea what control I need to adjust? I have a very distinct change in tone as I get into the higher registers on my guitar. Its as if a wah is engaged, a'la Schenker, and each note is effected/affected (is that a pun?). When I play in the lower register it MAY be there, but I sure cant...
  23. nextfoolmartyr

    Can tweaking tones/effects be learned any other way than exp

    ..experience? I know there is a Yamaha book out there for Sound Reinforcement. I went looking today for a book on tips/techniques for dialing in tones but came up short. That doesnt mean much because that part of the book store seemed pretty short on substance. I read occasional threads...
  24. nextfoolmartyr

    Setting up CC messages to turn on/off effects in patches.

    You know how people always say there are no dumb questions? Well, I'm 'bout to prove that wrong. I've looked in Wiki. I've read the manual. I've searched youtube. It should be so simple, but I just cant find the right combination of buttons, so here goes: All I want to do is take one...
  25. nextfoolmartyr

    Level drop when running into board

    I bought a mixing board Friday so that I can run my Axe, Looper pedal, and Mac/Ipod through my QSC monitor. I have it all set up and working, but the level drop is very noticeable. More specifically, plug the Axe only into the QSC and there is the normal level. Plug the Axe into the Mixer...
  26. nextfoolmartyr

    Expression pedal; toe down for off only?

    I know I'm doing something wrong with my set up. I set up an expression pedal to control a wah and it works. The only problem is that I cant get it to engage/disengage with the on/off switch under the toe. It seems that no matter what I try, the only way to OFF it is to heel down. I've got...
  27. nextfoolmartyr

    Please walk me through this one thing...

    (no guarantee's that this is the ONLY one thing I'll ask :) ) I have a FC-300 by Boss for my controller. My friend Steveb hooked me up and set my first expression pedal (built in) to global volume, but I cant seem how to figure out how to turn on/off my pedal 2 for use as a wah on a global...
  28. nextfoolmartyr

    Patch changing issues

    I've just begun working with my Ultra, so I'm in learning mode. I bought it to use in my band, live. What I'm doing is setting up a bank of five patches, each basically copies of the others, but with subtle effect changes. Basic Tone - Dry Basic Tone - Flange Basic Tone - Delay with repeats...
  29. nextfoolmartyr

    FRFR in front or in back?

    For those of you who use the FRFR system with your Axe, do you typically lay the monitor down in front of you or behind, as with a standard amp cab?
  30. nextfoolmartyr

    If you could do it all over again...

    Pretend you are me. Just on the verge of pulling the trigger. Researching fast and furious. Trying to decide on the best way to go... Money really isnt an object because I will end up with a nice savings account addition when this is all said and done. IF you could go back, knowing what you...
  31. nextfoolmartyr

    Looper function

    I'm not an owner (yet), but can safely say I'm soon to be. I play in a tribute band and currently, when I want to have a significant "overdub" part while playing live, I use a Boss RC-50 to play some prerecorded "one shots" while I play my parts. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, I just read...
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