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  1. D

    Line 6's Particle Verb

    Thanks, Java. You're right in that it's the detune that's giving it the illusion of the pitch shift. I'm much closer to getting that sound now.
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    Line 6's Particle Verb

    Thanks, but it still doesn't capture that "Crystal"-like quality that I'm sure has something to do with this sound......gotta keep tweaking.....
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    Line 6's Particle Verb

    I've been trying to cop this sound using Crystals and reverb but I can't get anywhere close: Should I be looking elsewhere in the Axe-FX for this sound?
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    Cliff, is a 100-Tap delay necessary to get this effect?

    Still can't get as smooth of an effect as in that clip. I have a feeling the 100 taps are necessary, however it's not something I'll be putting into the "Wish List".
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    Steve Stevens Raves About His Ultra

    Why is he going out of the Axe-Fx and into an API mic pre?
  6. D

    Cliff, is a 100-Tap delay necessary to get this effect? Give a listen to the second to last clip, "Elec. guitar - MegaDelayMass: up flow 2"
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    Direct Recording w/ 7.18 has improved, but why?

    Has anyone else noticed this? And I'm not talking about the AIR parameter. The pres/depth type has added that sponginess you get when recording to tape. I don't think that was the intention, but it's a step in the right direction. Thank you, Cliff!
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    Golden Ratio (Phi)

    Crikey! You're right. How did I over look that? The "auto-depth" function is the same as the "golden ratio" on the TC Electronic units. Even looks like the description in the manual was taken from the G-Force manual. :lol: Ah well, I'd still like to see a phi setting like the one found on the...
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    Golden Ratio (Phi)

    Yes, I'm talking about for dual or stereo delays. Also, as a relationship between the speed and depth of modulation, just like Golden Ratio function found on certain TC Electronic models.
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    Golden Ratio (Phi)

    How about "Phi" as a choice in the tempo menu? I'd rather the Axe-Fx do the computing than having to get out the calculator to multiply by .618 each time the bpm changes.
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    Axe-FX Rebooting....

    When using the Quad-Series delay, the Axe-FX will reboot when choosing the source of the modifier for the Master Rate.
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    Exagerrated Chorus Effect

    Thanks, Cliff!
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    Exagerrated Chorus Effect

    OK, so tried saving the preset to a higher #. Now, I get the same exaggerated chorus effect (think 100% Depth) anytime I scroll to this preset. When I hit the edit button and go to the delay page the sound goes back to the way I had it originally programmed. Can't figure this one out.
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    Exagerrated Chorus Effect

    Actually I've just started overwriting the Axe-Fx presets. So far 0 thru 10 are my own, 11 on up are the original Ultra Axe-Fx presets.
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    Exagerrated Chorus Effect

    No, not using the editor.
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    Exagerrated Chorus Effect

    This is a new one to me. Just saved a new preset to #10 and it includes a mono delay in which I used the MOD page to add a nice and subtle chorus effect. When I scroll back to this preset from a preset that is greater than 10 I get an exagerrated chorus effect. I can't see what's going on on...
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    Please add to the TEMPO values

    Please, please, please add this to the next firmware update.
  18. D

    IR for Direct Recording?

    Wooohoooo!!! Thanks xrist04! Found one that fits the bill!
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    IR for Direct Recording?

    Thanks for the replies, guys, but I've probably worded it incorrectly. What I seem to find with the Axe-Fx Cabs, when recording direct and regardless of what mic I choose, is that everything sounds close mic'ed. I've recorded amps and I like the sound you get when you pull the mic back a few...
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    IR for Direct Recording?

    Do you guys have a "go to" IR for direct recording? I think the stock cabs are missing something - I want a little more of the room sound, less of a close-miced sound. I know this can be done with reverb, of course, but it still doesn't get the sound I am after.
  21. D

    Anyone using Apogee's Mini-DAC?

    Anyone running their Axe-Fx into the Mini-DAC's "digital-thru"? Do you have to use an external word clock to sync the two?
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