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  1. Andrew Timothy

    New Instrumental EP

    I recently released an instrumental EP where I tracked all electric guitars through the Axe FX 2. Streaming link below. Let me know what you think!
  2. Andrew Timothy

    Pairing the Axe FX 2 with real amps + Suhr reactive load

    I searched the forums but couldn't find anything regarding this idea... I'm curious if this setup would work...running a real amp head into a Suhr reactive load, then into the Axe FX 2 for cab sims and time based effects. In theory it should work, but I'm not really a tech-minded guy so I...
  3. Andrew Timothy

    E/Nav rotary knob not properly responding

    I just got my AX8 last week...I love it, but there is an issue that is driving me crazy. The E/nav rotary knob doesn't work half the time. The hardware is fine...rotates in both directions as it should. But it doesn't respond digitally the way it should. For instance, I'll turn the knob...
  4. Andrew Timothy

    Ambient Sketch - A Baritone, a high capo, and a slide

    Here's my latest ambient guitar sketch. Hope you guys dig it!
  5. Andrew Timothy

    VIDEO - Cinematic vibes...

    Here's another recent sketch. Going for a cinematic feel on this one.
  6. Andrew Timothy

    Ambient Guitar - Auto Swell, Octave Divider, Cathedral Reverb

    Here's a little video I made after being inspired by stock preset #103 Ganymede. I tweaked the preset a little bit by adding some reverb and an octave divider. Hope you dig it!
  7. Andrew Timothy

    Fun with Expression Pedals - pitch shifting, delay, reverb

    I've been exploring some possibilities for controlling effects with expression pedals. Here is a quick song idea based on a couple tones I came up with. It's a bit odd sounding, but I had fun making it! For tone breakdowns, check out the description on youtube. Hope you dig it!
  8. Andrew Timothy

    2013 Les Paul Standard + Axe FX 2 = TONE

    Here's a quick demo I made of my new(ish) 2013 Les Paul Standard. All guitars were recorded direct…Axe FX 2 into Apogee Duet into Logic Pro 9. A breakdown of each tone is included in the video description on youtube. Sorry, but I don't have any of the presets. I tend to tweak on the fly...
  9. Andrew Timothy

    Thinline Tele + Princeton Tweed Sim

    I spent some time the other day playing around with the Princeton Tweed preset. Got to tweaking then recorded this little demo. All 5 tracks are my thinline telecaster recorded direct via apogee duet into Logic 9. I used the Princeton Tweed sim for all 5 parts, just altering compression, delay...
  10. Andrew Timothy

    Josh Smith "Hairflip" solo - JTM-45 w/Lovepedal Eternity OD

    Here's a quick take of Josh Smith's solo from his song "Hairflip" that I covered. The tone is stock preset #49 JTM-45 with a Lovepedal Eternity OD block and the reverb switched to the Y setting. I've included the isolated track as well. The guitar is a Music Man Reflex with the pickups in...
  11. Andrew Timothy

    NGD!!! 69 Thinline Tele (bought from Allen Hinds) + AC30

    It's New Guitar Day for me! 8) I bought a parts guitar from Allen Hinds...he put it together a few years back. It's basically a replication of a 69 Thinline Telecaster. This is a video of me messing around with it. You're hearing stock preset #78 Aye Cee 30...I added a compression block in front...
  12. Andrew Timothy

    Best Pedal board for mounting MFC + exp Pedals???

    I'm on the hunt for a good quality pedal board with a hard case for mounting my MFC-101 plus a couple Mission expression pedals. What are you guys using? Any pros/cons that you've found with your boards? Also, how are you mounting the MFC? Thanks.
  13. Andrew Timothy

    Aeolian Jam - ODS-100

    Here's a quick improv over a backing track I created (also with the axe fx 2). I'm using the ODS-100 Lead preset with a Zendrive block in front, recorded direct into Logic Pro 9 through an Apogee Duet interface. Hope you enjoy!
  14. Andrew Timothy

    Recent Indie Project using the AXE FX II I wasn't quite sure if I should post here or in the Recordings any rate, the above link is to an artist I recently recorded with. All electrics were tracked with the Axe FX 2. You can hear one of the tunes on his facebook...
  15. Andrew Timothy

    Plexi Treble!!!

    Nothing but Plexi Treble on all 4 guitar tracks. 1. Rhythm 1 - Music Man Reflex, Default Plexi Treble preset w/amp drive backed down to around 4 2. Rhythm 1 - Suhr S2, same 3. Slide - Suhr S2, added default compression block, engaged boost on amp block, boosted mids on amp block 4. Lead -...
  16. Andrew Timothy

    Ambient Swells - Matchless, POG, tape delay, univibe, tremolo, cavern reverb

    I seriously can't get enough of fw10! This is a preset I've created to use on my church gig. The tone is based around a Matchless Chieftan sim w/comp, pitch block (POG sound), univibe, tremolo, tape delay, cavern reverb and a volume block after the amp for swells. I'll try to post the preset...
  17. Andrew Timothy

    Phil Keaggy Cover - "The Wind And The Wheat" - 100% Axe FX II

    I recorded this as a tribute to Phil Keaggy, one of my all-time favorite guitar heroes. All guitars were recorded direct from the AXE FX II into Logic Pro 9. Gear Info: Main Rhythm part: Music Man Reflex into Shiver Clean preset Swells: Suhr S2 into Hiwatt sim w/lots of verb and multiple...
  18. Andrew Timothy

    Played My First Gig w/FW10 Last Night...

    And it was amazing. The gig was with my rock band...mostly originals with a few covers thrown in. My go to preset made use of the Friedman BE sim. Everyone was blown away by the tone. The guitarists from the other bands had plenty of questions for me after the gig 8)
  19. Andrew Timothy

    FW10 - Swart Atomic Space Tone + Bias Tremolo on a Larry Carlton tune

    This is the stock Swart Atomic Space Tone preset included in the new v10 preset banks (can't remember the preset # or name atm). The song is called "Goodbye" by Larry Carlton. It's one of my favorites.
  20. Andrew Timothy

    FW10 - Two Rock and Rotary

    Here's a quick video demoing the Two Rock sim and the updated Rotary sound. Audio was recorded direct from Axe into Focusrite Scarlett into Logic.
  21. Andrew Timothy

    Expression Pedal Help Needed

    I guess this is the place to post this...not sure. There are 2 issues I'm dealing with regarding my expression pedals: 1) I just got a Mission SP-1 expression pedal. Everything is set up and working exactly how I wanted (controlling volume and wah), but the sweep of the pedal seems off...
  22. Andrew Timothy

    Siberian Sleigh Ride - TSO Cover

    I can't believe I forgot to post this until after Christmas....oh well. Better late than never I suppose. I recorded via USB into Logic 9. I used slightly tweaked stock presets - 65 Bassman for the cleans, JCM800 for the rhythm track and Friedman HBE for the leads. The original audio is...
  23. Andrew Timothy

    V7 Trainwreck noodling

    Some random noodling on the Trainwreck sim in V7. I'm playing on a 335-style semi-hollow. This is the stock Wrecker sim with slightly modded delay.
  24. Andrew Timothy


    This is a tune I recorded on a project back in December...just got a copy of the master today. I doubled the main rhythm tracks - Fender Twin sim w/fuzz od (can't remember specifics) & AC30 sim. These are panned pretty hard left and right. The arpeggiated part near the end was the stock 65...
  25. Andrew Timothy

    Improv w/ Slightly Tweaked Stock Preset (9 - 1987x Treble)

    I used a slightly tweaked version of stock preset #9 "1987x Treble" on this video. I added a bit of gain on the amp, tweaked the compression and added a bit more reverb. The playing starts around the 3:20 mark, so skip forward if you don't wanna hear me ramble. ;)
  26. Andrew Timothy

    My band's new EP is done! First session I used the Axe II on. [ROCK]

    I recorded guitars on these 2 songs back in December as a favor for a producer friend of mine. As fate would have it, a new band was formed out of the sessions...Empire Pursuit Empire Pursuit | Facebook I tracked all my parts through my (at the time) brand new Axe II. This was my first...
  27. Andrew Timothy

    Dr Z slide guitar, Mesa lead

    Here's a tune I recorded for a local singer/songwriter. All but 1 rhythm pass were recorded through my axe. All the slide parts were played through the Dr Z sim with gratuitous amounts of reverb and delay. The lead part near the end was played through the Mesa Recto Orange sim. Since I...
  28. Andrew Timothy

    ambient slide guitar on a worship tune

    I recorded the guitars on this record for a group from the local university. This tune only has 1 electric track - a slide part I played through the Dr Z sim. Enjoy! I set this track to private since I don't own the rights, so you'll have to go to my soundcloud page to hear it.
  29. Andrew Timothy

    My take on Keith Urban's Somebody Like You solo

    Here's a quick video of me playing the solo from Keith Urban's "Somebody Like You". I'm playing through a deluxe reverb sim with a bit of compression and a BB Pre overdrive in front and some light delay and verb after the amp. I shot this with my Olympus LS-20 digital camera, so the sound...
  30. Andrew Timothy

    Seeker Wah setting

    How can I get a seeker wah type sound out of the axe II? I haven't seen anything in the forums. Any tips or links to older posts I may have missed would be great. Thanks!
  31. Andrew Timothy

    Wish Multi-layer IA capability

    I saw on this thread that with the Liquid Foot Pro it's possible to use a single IA to both engage/disengage effects and hold to toggle between X and Y states on the effect block...
  32. Andrew Timothy

    Using the AFX2 in the studio

    I've had my AFX2 for a couple weeks now...long enough to dial in some great sounds and get comfortable making changes on the fly. This weekend I decided to bring it to a recording session a local producer booked me for (along with my tube amp/pedals). I showed him the Axe and gave him a brief...
  33. Andrew Timothy

    Bug? Hardware issue - IA switches getting "stuck"

    I've had my MFC for about a week now. For the first few days everything was great, but the other day one of the IA switches seemed to get "stuck" after I stepped on it. When I stepped on it again, it released. I've had this problem with 2 of the switches so far. It's the same thing every time...
  34. Andrew Timothy

    volume pedal problem

    Hi guys, I'm trying to use an expression pedal simply as a volume pedal. Using XP1's default setting works fine, but the issue I have is that I want to be able to back down on the volume pedal but not lose all the long delay and reverb tails. Default settings control Output 1 volume, which...
  35. Andrew Timothy

    Amp 1 on, Amp 2 off with a single IA on the MFC

    Is there a way to use one IA button on the MFC to simultaneously switch between an Amp 1 block and Amp 2 block? What I want to do is use each preset to it's fullest, utilizing Amp 1 X/Y and Amp 2 X/Y, but only one amp block engaged at any given time. Do any of you know if this is possible, and...
  36. Andrew Timothy

    Mono or Stereo for live gigs?

    I'm happy to say I received my Axe FX II last week and I'm LOVING it so far! I'm getting some presets together so that I can start using it live, and I'm unsure of whether I should run stereo or mono in a live setting. I've already used the Axe in stereo on a studio session with amazing results...
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