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  1. barhrecords

    Straplocks: Dunlop or Schaller

    @gigawatt for the record, I drink the beer, and use the grolsch washers... not the amazon knock offs.
  2. barhrecords

    Straplocks: Dunlop or Schaller

    Try the rubber washer from Grolsch beer bottle. Get to enjoy a good beer and they really do work great. So popular they have been commercialized for use by guitar players
  3. barhrecords

    I think I really hate IRs

    I sympathize with the OP. I find auditioning IR's to be exhausting and a buzz kill.
  4. barhrecords

    Eric Johnson makes me want to be a better guitar player

    This was outdoors so everything was mic'ed. But even in our rehearsal space the Princeton holds it's own with the Twin. I have a great Twin, Dual Showman and Blonde Bassman all vintage, but the Princeton is just a sweet spot of tone and portability.
  5. barhrecords

    Soldano Tips and Tricks

    I ended up in a strange place with my SLO preset. This is for my vintage Strat. I've never owned a real Soldano and IIRC I got these settings from a Clapton article I found online... been a long time back. The tone stack seemed really bizarre but it works great at gig volume with my Strat.
  6. barhrecords

    Eric Johnson makes me want to be a better guitar player

    Depends on how loud your side fills are. I just played an outdoor show with mine + conventional pedal board using a vintage Strat. Drummer was playing a big Yamaha stage custom kit and big Zyldjian A cymbals and it was no problem getting loud enough. But we didn't have any drums in the...
  7. barhrecords

    Eric Johnson makes me want to be a better guitar player

    I would give a vintage Princeton Reverb a go. That's what I did. It avoids the higher price of the Deluxe but delivers some great mojo IMO.
  8. barhrecords

    Hi-hat - sound replacement vs pads? Advice needed.

    Hi-hat bleed when doing replacement is indeed a kill joy.
  9. barhrecords

    Curiosity on durability

    I've been using George L's for years with zero failures. But only for patch cables on my analog pedal board.
  10. barhrecords

    Hi-hat - sound replacement vs pads? Advice needed.

    It's really dependent on the part played. A shuffle or swing jazz tune with lots of pedal on the hats will be dayum near impossible to use drum replacement or midi cymbals to re-create. Much easier to record the part in ISO. A simple hat part with mostly fixed pedal positions is not too bad...
  11. barhrecords

    Les Paul, tuning peg options

    I put Tone Pros hardware, tuners and bridge, on all my Gibson guitars.
  12. barhrecords

    Reverb never actually 100% mix?

    Reverb Mix setting in the Global -> Config parameters?
  13. barhrecords

    How many patches do you all use?

    Original band with a lot Dylan, Dead, Marley and the like thrown in. 2 main patches - Bandmaster for clean, Soldano for dirty acoustic sim violin
  14. barhrecords

    Neal Schon Axe-Fx III vs Axe-Fx II

    @ccroyalsenders interesting... so he gets a W/D mix on a pedal by fading in the dry signal? are the dry presets clones of the presets with efx?
  15. barhrecords

    Neal Schon Axe-Fx III vs Axe-Fx II

    For hangs between songs using two units eliminates the preset switching delay. So two units for the show and a redundant backup pair with a live switcher to change to the backups on the fly.
  16. barhrecords

    FoH EQ

    I don't give the FOH mixer any advice at our shows. I expect them to do their thing. Their job is to make the FOH mix the best they can. If they don't have good ears or can't operate the gear, then no amount of schooling from a band member is gonna cure that ill. I go through my rhythm and...
  17. barhrecords

    Will we see the Plexi 2204/JMP50w

    you're just a big amp tease... lol :)
  18. barhrecords

    Wish Non-recording interface mode

    My workaround is to power on the Fractal last and power it off first. But yeah, there are workarounds for sure. It would be nice if it was a system setting in the Fractal though.
  19. barhrecords

    Brit 800 Model vs The Real Amp

    The performances on that record are so inspiring. For musicians that play a lot of shows, you can really appreciate what talent it takes to pull off a record like that. Just brilliant on many levels.
  20. barhrecords

    Placing FRFR wedges on the floor...

    I use my two CLR's as wedges. I have a vocal split, guitar split and a mono aux from the desk with a band mix all running through two CLR's in wedge position.
  21. barhrecords

    I’m embarrassed to ask- Changing Strings

    I use the distance to the other tuning pegs. Pull the string through the tuning peg and leave enough end to get to the next two tuning pegs. For the lower two strings, it's just a little bit shorter to get the perfect wind.
  22. barhrecords


    Your most prestigious artist fractal user... played Smoke On The Water when you were showcasing the III?
  23. barhrecords

    Wish Non-recording interface mode

    Absolutely. I hate the way Windows switches the default devices based on the order you boot them. Grrrrrrrrrr lol
  24. barhrecords

    Need a simple sample player.

    Something for playing long loops might be better. Program in a long fingersnap loop... then make him follow it :)
  25. barhrecords

    Low Output Pickups

    I play all low wind. It gives me way more expression. Caveat I don't play metal or anything heavy. The Fractal is ideal for low wind pickups. Ultra clean analog signal path and many ways to gain structure presets.
  26. barhrecords

    Need a simple sample player.

    If the finger snaps or claps are played during long sections, seems like your drummer would be hitting a trigger for that vs. trying to foot tap it and play guitar too?
  27. barhrecords

    Rick Beato

    Yeah I'm a long time subscriber to Rick's youtube channel
  28. barhrecords

    Analog summing anyone ?

    I would say the benefit of analog summing would indeed depend on the rest of your analog signal chain and A to D and D to A. In addition to the quality of the tracks, DAW and plugins. Pro Tools using UAD or Waves plugins, among others, is used for big studio mixing in the box.
  29. barhrecords

    Analog summing anyone ?

    It takes some finesse and careful planning of signal flow, but I believe its possible to get a "big console" sounding mix entirely in the box. Analog summing could be an easier and more straightforward way of achieving the same result.
  30. barhrecords

    NGD=Rick Turner Featherweight Model 1 Custom!

    stunning congrats!
  31. barhrecords

    Anyone using thunderbolt ?

    I have an Apollo 8P + thunderbolt on Windows 10 with Pro Tools 12 native. For my DAW, I needed an extra card and a somewhat strange jumper from the card to the display port of the motherboard. I think this is an anachronism of my motherboard. Looks strange but works perfect. I'm a long...
  32. barhrecords

    Is there a name for this common D-chord thing?

    To me it's specific to guitar in that it is "shape" based. Where the D shape is maintained and one or more notes are altered. You could call it "voice leading". Where during the chord changes, one or more notes remain the same. (I have a very vivid memory from the 70's where I "discovered"...
  33. barhrecords

    So far I'm not entirely sold on the Axe Fx 3....

    From the DAW plugin universe, you can see lots of examples of this. Real world controls and deep dive advanced menus. In my day job we study computer interface human interaction. Deep dive menus tend to keep the user in "left-brain" mode. Simple intuitive graphic interfaces tend to keep...
  34. barhrecords

    So far I'm not entirely sold on the Axe Fx 3....

    To me it's the difference between every one reverse engineering and A/B and dialing in their favorite pedals vs. FAS expertly doing that and providing preset "starting points" of the classic pedals as they have already done with the drives, wahs, etc. Just more of that... please :)
  35. barhrecords

    AFIII The III does a very chill Sugaree

    We are definitely like that with the Dead and cover a lot of their "covers". I think Sugaree is either "traditional" or Taj Mahall ? and not the Dead.
  36. barhrecords

    AFIII The III does a very chill Sugaree

    We play a really extended Bird Song and Deal. We do Scarlet but segue in and out of an original tune vs. Fire On The Mountain.
  37. barhrecords

    AFIII The III does a very chill Sugaree

    We dropped Mr. Charlie... love that song. We are pretty much a Dead spinoff with tons of Dead covers and our own originals too. Some of the Dead covers we do that I really like are: Franklin's Tower, Bertha, Althea, Dead version of Deep Elem Blues, Garcia Band version of Dear Prudence, Me...
  38. barhrecords

    The problem with low wattage tube amps.

    With single coils... definitely.
  39. barhrecords

    The problem with low wattage tube amps.

    What guitar / pickups are you using?
  40. barhrecords

    Suggestions for a FRFR coaxial speaker for my standard 2x12 GFlex ported cab?

    I would put Eminence Pro Delta A 400 watt speakers in that. There was another forum member on here raving about those in that cab a while. He really knows his stuff too.
  41. barhrecords

    Soundguys eqing your signal

    I don't worry about FOH really. I don't see the point when I'm performing, why worry about it? That creeps into control freak territory for me and the last thing I want is to be distracted during a show by anything other than the performance or tits.
  42. barhrecords

    Rush's Permanent Waves full album performance!

    So much talent... for a drummer? lol I was at an impromptu jam with a good friend and a pro horn player was there socially. He sat down at a cheap keyboard and blew our minds lol... then apologized for not being a keyboard player lol
  43. barhrecords

    Rush's Permanent Waves full album performance!

    I can't listen loud right now... is he lip syncing over the real record?
  44. barhrecords

    Rush's Permanent Waves full album performance!

    crzee good... thanks for posting... inspiring
  45. barhrecords

    Soundguys eqing your signal

    When you can't hear the vocal clearly, it sounds amateur to me.
  46. barhrecords

    Soundguys eqing your signal

    I actually prefer the LV to be at least 4db above the band and BGV's 2db above the band. You can still be loud and still sound like the band has balls but make the vocals be above the mix.
  47. barhrecords

    22 Fret Super Strats

    You gotta have one Charvel... at least lol
  48. barhrecords

    22 Fret Super Strats

    I have two Charvels, one HH and one HSS. Both maple boards. I am in love with Charvels lol My main guitar is a vintage strat, but Charvel just has a thing. If you don't already have at least one, buy the Charvel.
  49. barhrecords

    Who is making good patch bays now? Miss you, Hans!

    I used Redco custom panel builder and am very happy. I picked jacks that are "pass through" so I could use standard cables / no soldering.
  50. barhrecords

    Are these Axe-Fx 2 hardware limitations?

    I would guess the point is seeing if a revenue stream "could" be created, then is it possible to keep the older hardware relevant for a little bit longer. Seems like the amount of revenue needed is impractical. But the premise of creating a revenue stream is okay even if it never happens.
  51. barhrecords

    Why are there so many d*ckheads on Facebook?

    FB is designed to make money the more you read and "stay on". As such, it's in their best interest to get emotional reactions, good and bad, from their subscribers. It generates revenue. They need dicks lol My wife and discuss this a lot. I think a small service fee, e.g. $7USD a month...
  52. barhrecords

    Soundguys eqing your signal

    Seems like a bit of overthinking it. I let the FOH do whatever they think is best. I'm more concerned about my performance / vocal first, then monitors / in ears second, after party third (which at my age tends to be one glass of wine and falling asleep in a chair). FOH is not on the...
  53. barhrecords

    The Ultimate AX8 Test

    One the one had remarkable... but then... doesn't everything work better after at least one beer??? :)
  54. barhrecords

    Today is the 36th anniversary of Randy Rhoads death

    RIP Randy He and Ronnie James Dio stand out to me, for some reason, as losses though long past, continue to make me sad.
  55. barhrecords

    Just got a prototype Xitone cab...

    Thanks @MicFarlow looking forward to the details when they are available.
  56. barhrecords

    Yek's great listing of all the 2048 Factory Cabs available in the Axe III!

    For the big name manufacturers it would be cool to search by brand, Jensen, Celestion, JBL, EV, but that gets into trademark territory.
  57. barhrecords

    Where to EQ - new guitar & pickups

    My favorite pickup is a Super Distortion I bought in the 70's. I have it in my Charvel in the bridge position. For me, those pickups sound best with a fairly bright speaker. The darkness of the pickup is a perfect match to a bright amp and cab; especially playing loud. Super Distortion ->...
  58. barhrecords

    Ambient chord melody verse of "In a sentimental mood"

    Ellington's melodies and overall chord voicing (in the big band arrangements) really move me. I played in a "big band", ala Glenn Miller, for years on bass. We had the original charts for all those songs. Including the Ellington tunes. The original chart for Mood Indigo was a joy to...
  59. barhrecords

    Just got a prototype Xitone cab...

    Being a certified gear whore... I must say I'm actually loving the tease on this product lol
  60. barhrecords

    Ambient chord melody verse of "In a sentimental mood"

    Very sublime. Lovely arrangement too mate. Well done.
  61. barhrecords

    Ares on XL+ ... mission possible or impossible!

    My theory is... if there is ever to be a successor to the AX8, then it's most likely already in the prototype stage or further? So it would be a matter of the business model, cost to take it to production and time?
  62. barhrecords

    VOX AC 30 Story

    Exactly! I felt Jack and Jimmy were very much from a similar cloth and the Edge was not really. Not to say a negative; but he doesn't come from that dirty blues thing like Jimmy and Jack.
  63. barhrecords

    VOX AC 30 Story

    Not sure... but to watch him riff through Bohemian... was pure joy for me. The same feeling in watching Jimmy Page riff on "Whole Lotta Love" in the "It Might Get Loud" documentary.
  64. barhrecords

    Purchased a Axe Fx ii just befoer the iii came out.

    It's never a good feeling when a recent purchase is immediately devalued. Play it, enjoy it, and consider if selling and buying a III is worthwhile. It might be for the long term.
  65. barhrecords

    Yek's great listing of all the 2048 Factory Cabs available in the Axe III!

    This may be backwards thinking, but I think he's key.
  66. barhrecords

    Just got a prototype Xitone cab...

    Looking forward to more details. I have great respect for @MicFarlow and his work.
  67. barhrecords

    The logistics of being a wedding band

    Licensing and insurance are the responsibility of the venue not the entertainment. In the wedding receptions I've played, there are some differences from a typical bar gig. They usually want at least one or two microphones for people to speak; give the toast; that sort of thing. I would sort...
  68. barhrecords

    Wish Synth Block updates? Polyphonic?

    Polyphonic pitch detection and synthesis, e.g. the EHX key pedals, would be a killer feature in the III. I have the EHX C9. It tracks really good and sounds great. A block like that in the III would be amazing. It could stand a comp after it to tame it a bit.
  69. barhrecords

    Thoughts on totally cutting the lowest & highest global EQ bands

    I make EQ adjustments at every sound check until it sounds good. I err on the dark side. I've found that works best for me. I get tremendous ear fatigue during a long show if the guitar monitor is too bright. I cut the highs until it sounds just a little too dark. That is the sweet spot...
  70. barhrecords

    Real Vox AC15 vs Default Axe

    I'm of the same mind. For small to medium rooms, I'm happier with a real amp and pedals. I still use my Fractal rig sometimes for convenience though. Depends on my mood :) I'm thinking of doing all our spring and summer shows with just AC guitar and a DI box. Just to sharpen up my playing.
  71. barhrecords

    Axe fx II controlled by a gr-synth?

    I guess maybe Google / YouTube? I learned it all in the 80's when midi was first invented. You had to know the whole spec and the fiddly bits to program synths and use software sequencers.
  72. barhrecords

    Axe fx II controlled by a gr-synth?

    I control my XL+ with a TC Electronics Voice Live 3. You will need to see what midi messages, if any, the gr-20 can send. It will take some knowledge of being able to read midi specs and possibly reverse engineering the midi messages with a tool like MidiOx. One of the cool features of the...
  73. barhrecords

    VOX AC 30 Story

    Loved it. Yes the Brian May bit got me every bit as excited as the host. What a brilliant musician. But, being American, the Voxmobile, that was the best bit :) Cheers
  74. barhrecords

    AustinBuddy Naked Amps Tone Pack (still) Rules! ... New Website up...FM3...coming soon(ish)

    I'm thinking of rolling back to 8.02 and staying on that for my XL+ too. The Naked Amp pack just kills with that FW.
  75. barhrecords

    Ares on XL+ ... mission possible or impossible!

    At first I thought nachos??? But then an epiphany... cheese pairs good with wine(ing).
  76. barhrecords

    Wish Dynamics Matching block

    A non-linear matching block that matches the distortion, eq (tone match) and compression would be very nice. But... I'm thinking this wanders into Kemper land? Still it would be great for matching dirt pedals, outboard compressors and even amps themselves.
  77. barhrecords

    DI boxes for acoustics with active pickup system and AX8

    For just a DI, the Countryman 85 is the best sounding for me for under saddle piezo pickups w/builtin preamp. I typically use a Fishman Aura but will use the 85 depending on the venue and how much setup time I have.
  78. barhrecords

    preset compatibility between II and III

    @AlGrenadine really has been a great provider to this community.
  79. barhrecords

    Ideas on Blues tones

    Either of these F020 2x12 Double Amp KSM313 (*) F021 2x12 Double Verb R121 (*)
  80. barhrecords

    Eric Clapton documentary - good film

    I came away similar. I personally don't use the word "hate". But I came away morose; not energized like I typically would of an artist documentary.
  81. barhrecords

    Eric Clapton documentary - good film

    EC was such a big influence on my music, I'm an old man too, but I came away from this documentary sad. I don't need my musical heroes to be saints or roles models, but I found Eric in real life to be depressing in a way that made me sad and tarnished my view of him a little bit. It might be...
  82. barhrecords

    Preset feature request: Notes

    +1 I would love that feature
  83. barhrecords

    Sweetwater Used Marketplace

    Very cool thanks. I'm a long time customer, I'm going to give it a go.
  84. barhrecords

    Ideas on Blues tones

    Don't give up on the Fenders too quickly for blues. The Bandcommander with xformer match turned down a little bit, output comp set to feedback mode, and a post cab block 5-band passive GEQ with a frowny curve, is a very dynamic responsive amp. For me, even more than the crunch, I want miles of...
  85. barhrecords

    Rearranging user cabs

    I wish there was a system function to empty any IR slots that were not in use by a preset. Then for the remaining IR's that are being used in presets; move them all "up" until there are no empty slots between and fix all the presets to the new IR slot numbers. A "Remove and sort usings" kind...
  86. barhrecords

    Chorus for Lead

    I love that Roland Dimension D post amp and cab block on gainier stuff. Just sounds amazing at defaults. In stereo :) For mono, a CE-2 chorus block in front.
  87. barhrecords

    Presenting... The Axe-Fx III

    I'm broke. Can we trade forum likes for a discount? :)
  88. barhrecords

    Amp building walkthrough

    I found this really cool in regards to how changes in the schematic and components affect amp tone. Made me feel like some of these can be affected in the fractal which is...
  89. barhrecords

    Chorus for Lead

    Try this preset or the techniques in this preset @guitarnerdswe nailed the Luke tone.
  90. barhrecords

    Auto-Match cab to amp?

    I agree but then you are back to figuring out some decent settings and pairings yourself to create the templates in the first place. The idea here is for FAS to provide the decent middle of the road amp settings and IR pairing for us. Nothing too fancy. Just a good basic solid tone.
  91. barhrecords

    Rearranging user cabs

    Yes your presets will be changed. The preset will not automatically "follow" the cab IR.
  92. barhrecords

    interim solution (before Axe3)

    Me too in waiting for the AX8 successor. I will probably sell my XL+ and go Fractaless though... that's a hard call.
  93. barhrecords

    Wish "Created" and "Last Updated" Timestamps on each Preset (AX8Edit)

    Sorting in the box by creation / edit date would be great!
  94. barhrecords

    interim solution (before Axe3)

    I'm thinking about the Amplifire or just using a conventional amp + pedal board.
  95. barhrecords

    Auto-Match cab to amp?

    I would trust @Admin M@ @austinbuddy @Moke @fremen or other FAS studs to be able to come up with good middle of the road amp / IR pairings. But, the "since you can't please everyone" reason usually means ideas like this don't seem to last long here lol. I'm a firm believer in sensible...
  96. barhrecords

    Auto-Match cab to amp?

    To me the workflow would be more of: New Preset From Amp... Where you pick the amp and it drops an Amp block and a Cab block into a new preset. All setup with middle of the road "good" settings. Any workflow where you select a parameter in one block that needs information about another...
  97. barhrecords

    How do you pan stereo cabs in your rhytm presets?

    For live, hard L, hard R or center are the only pan positions that make sense to me. I run mono on all the big stages and dual mono if its a small show.
  98. barhrecords

    How much will peeps be selling XL's for

    1300USD is about the highest I would think I could get for my XL+
  99. barhrecords

    AxeFX III: What's Missing?

    Wireless control is a nice to have but not a need to have. For a flagship, workstation, center piece, it doesn't seem like an outrageous expectation. Wireless in professional audio is here to stay and expanding. Wireless microphones, in ears, iPad mixing control....
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