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Fractal Audio X-Load & Suhr Reactive Load Comparison

Both sound better than the Two-Notes Reload that I've used in the past. I have the Suhr one, but the one with built in IR loading. It's really good tbh!
I also bought the one with the bult in IRs.....I did think that I might need the 200ms or more wav files compared to the 20 ms of the built in IR....BUT the fact that my Amp goes straight into the Suhr with IR and then straight into my DAW...A WINNER !!
Instead of going through the AXE FX3 for Cab ( 200-500ms)
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Thanks for putting this together! I was always curious about this comparison. I already have one Suhr RL, and I was needing a second 8ohm load box. I was surprised with how much I preferred the Suhr over the Fractal in this comparison.

If we could somehow put Suhr's load into the Mesa (and that's not a dirty line at all) Powerhouse attenuator, that would have the perfect reactive load box solution. The Boss Waza Tube Amp Expander has an impressive feature set, but I still preferred the tone from the Suhr. I still own the TAE but I am looking at "downgrading" for another Suhr.
I own the X-Load, and the Suhr wins hands down no matter if the X-Load is in US or UK. The Suhr has the low-mid thump I've been chasing that the "Axe-FX" just can't do correctly, and my Dual Rectifier is still missing some aggressive "umph" that helps a rhythm track mate with bass in a mix.

edit: meant to say X-Load instead of "Axe-FX"
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Thanks for putting this together! I was always curious about this comparison. I already have one Suhr RL, and I was needing a second 8ohm load box. I was surprised with how much I preferred the Suhr over the Fractal in this comparison.

If we could somehow put Suhr's load into the Mesa (and that's not a dirty line at all) Powerhouse attenuator, that would have the perfect reactive load box solution. The Boss Waza Tube Amp Expander has an impressive feature set, but I still preferred the tone from the Suhr. I still own the TAE but I am looking at "downgrading" for another Suhr.
You are very welcome and glad to hear you like the Suhr RL.....both great ones for sure but my preference goes also to the Suhr....small details of course for some peoples ears and huge to others as long as we are happy playing the Guitar ;)
Somehow the Suhr has something better than all the others I have tried even though the Suhr is 'only' 20 ms while others have 200-500ms IR length...BUT if the Amp sound going through the Load box gets affected by for example 'less good' components than no use having more IR length...This is all my own experience from testing Load boxes ...others might feel different and that is fine of course.
Thanks !
I own the X-Load, and the Suhr wins hands down no matter if the X-Load is in US or UK. The Suhr has the low-mid thump I've been chasing that the Axe-FX just can't do correctly, and my Dual Rectifier is still missing some aggressive "umph" that helps a rhythm track mate with bass in a mix.
I know what you mean man ! Somehow the Suhr FEELS & REACTS very good under the fingers....., thanks man !
If you could only choose one, would you keep the LB-2 or the RedSeven strictly from a reactive load perspective?
Well, I'll be honest, I use the LB-2 more because I don't have to plug it to power. As long as you don't use XLR out, you don't need power. For some reason, the RedSeven is noisier, and I know it's a power thing. Also, I've spent so much bread on IR's that I like, that I'm okay with using them in the Axe FX III as a Cab block only
I love my LB-2 but I also find the XLR output quite noisy so I use the unbalanced 1/4" output into a DI box.

I tried using external 9vDC with XLR but I can hear the LEDs adding some dynamic white noise when I'm playing the clean channel, I don't know what's up with that.
So for me the unbalanced 1/4" with a good DI box produced the purest signal.
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I have both. I generally like my brighter amps a little better with the LB-2 because the impedance curves make them a little darker and more usable. I also prefer V30s to Greenbacks in practice so that also could be it. The RL however has this very dynamic thing going on (similarly to Greenbacks which the IC is based on) which can also be beneficial in some cases but can get very icepicky too. What has to be said, though, is that good IRs make the load almost irrelevant and you can get great sounds with either of them.
Well, I'll be honest, I use the LB-2 more because I don't have to plug it to power. As long as you don't use XLR out, you don't need power. For some reason, the RedSeven is noisier, and I know it's a power thing. Also, I've spent so much bread on IR's that I like, that I'm okay with using them in the Axe FX III as a Cab block only
Yeah, I'm looking at this purely from the load portion. I would always use the Axe FX as the brains for the signal chain, effects, cabs, etc. Basically a hybrid rig.
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