Recent content by Socky42

  1. S

    Day & Night - Electro-y Metal Song

    Thanks, much appreciated! Guitar - Ibanez PGM301 Used a Hufschmid pick - Bass - Omnisphere Trilian Drums - Superior Drummer and the Axe-FX obviously :D
  2. S

    Day & Night - Electro-y Metal Song

    Still trying to get better at the whole mixing thing. Guitars are Axe-Fx and drums are Superior Drummer with Metal Machine.
  3. S

    OS X Driver Issue

    I can second this. I'm on 10.6.8, but all I needed to do to fix that was to press play twice. It just seems to happen randomly every hour or so. Not experienced any other issues.
  4. S

    The Reaver - 7 String Metal with FW 10

    Awesome stuff man, very Bodom-y
  5. S

    Sonic The Hedgehog Medley

    Recorded this way back in February when I first got my Axe FX, so nothing special in terms of production here, was still learning the ropes :D
  6. S

    V10 Firmware

    Woooh, I can stop lurking now.
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