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Recent content by Horganovski

  1. H

    Aspiring Finger Drummers: New Yamaha FGDP-50!

    Much more important than the actual controler you use is how you use it IMO, I've been getting great results with my Akai MPD 226 since I learned some approaches from these lessons https://www.xpresspads.com/
  2. H

    Building a fuzz factory / DIY pedals

    I built one of these a while back and I love it, really wild and unpredictable, in a good way.
  3. H

    WTF Warmoth Guitars!!!!?????

    Maybe the web pages are built to order every time you click on the links ?
  4. H

    What's the ugliest piece of gear you've ever seen/owned?

    Music Man Majesty .. <ducks>
  5. H

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    Kind of.. but it's a different kind of attack to an Ebow, much closer to an amp feedback feel. I have an EBow too and love it but it's a different beast.
  6. H

    Natural feedback at any volume?

    http://vibesware.com/ I use one of these, takes a little practice with but does a great job of emulating amp style feedback, even if I'm playing on Headphones.
  7. H

    Anyone play doom?

    Doom (the game) is still very much a thing.. amazing soundtrack too from Mick Gordon, very guitar heavy.
  8. H

    Remote Music Teaching tools for those in Lockdown due to COVID-19

    I did my first online lesson just this afternoon and it went surprisingly smoothly. I used Zoom which I've been using all week to train animators to use a 3d animation program (my day job). My setup was as above, using the Axe FX (II XL in my case) as the computers soundcard via USB. I have a...
  9. H

    When did the guitar became a pariah instrument?

    Watched an old movie last night. In it there were several scenes where doctors were smoking cigarettes while working. That was normal once. Now it's not. Things change.
  10. H

    Greatest band of all time?

    Zep made classic recordings but the live versions of their songs are a boring and indulgent reminder that drugs really don't work long term when it comes to creativity.
  11. H

    Axe-Fx II "Ares" Rev 1.03 Firmware Release

    I'm still on Ares 1.0 and find that just selecting the PortaBass model will lock up the Axe FX requiring a power off to get it usable again. Was that fixed in this version?
  12. H

    Modern Metal makes me laugh...

    Glenn Fricker is always ranting. That's pretty much his whole thing. As for more new music in a metal style - Check out the new Devin Townsend album Empath, amazing stuff.
  13. H

    Yngwie blues album

    Yngwie always said he didn't like blues. And now he's proved that. Sounds like one of those indulgent jams at the end of a G3 concert where everyone throws taste out the window and mindlessly shreds over a 12 bar for 10 minutes. Much more fun for them than the audience.
  14. H

    Axe-Fx II Firmware "Ares" 1.00 Public Beta

    Aha! That makes sense thanks. I've lowered the input drive from about 6 to 2.5 and now I've a similar level of grit to my old patch and it sounds great. I also use the SVT model as the basis for my electric Cello patches so I get two instruments sounding better today with one update, nice!
  15. H

    Axe-Fx II Firmware "Ares" 1.00 Public Beta

    Very exciting to see a new firmware for the II. First impressions are that the more gainy presets sound bigger and 'realer'.. I'm noticing some changes with my more bluesy patches though that I'll have to dial back in - I have an edge-of-breakup patch using Shiver Clean that seems to be a bit...
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