Recent content by farrakon

  1. F

    Finally at peace with axe II v6... Utterly in love. Tips inside i guess?

    Not really, on the contrary... the highs were unstable and sound all scratchy and piercing after 5
  2. F

    Finally at peace with axe II v6... Utterly in love. Tips inside i guess?

    yes i am. I am well familiar with practically all controls on the axe. I will make a vid and share my live patches so you can compareand hear what I am talking about. I actually used tonematch yesterday to match the amp block of each of my patches. I set an amp block with the settings for low...
  3. F

    Shrill top end

    I had the same problem which was easily fixed and the results are amazing.. its the taper.. if you go past 5 on the low mid high and prescence its actually adding too much frequency... hence the shrill and mud. Try using 2.5 as your 5 (mid point) where 5 is your max. I actually tonematched...
  4. F

    Retro Channel price announced

    Well... owning the Matrix GT1000FX... I find the Retro... pointless... With the matrix I can run it in stereo, in mono bridged, single channel, through guitar cabs, through pa cabs... it weights NOTHING, It has 1/4 and quick connect connections. It comes in single rack and two space rack... You...
  5. F

    Axe fx II tonestack eq testing

    I posted in a forum that was moved to the review forum that I was perceiving that the amps eq: low mid high and presence knobs set at 2.5 were sounding to me as the equivalent of setting them at 5 in the real amp. Nothing wrong with that, I am having absolutely no problems dialing awesome tones...
  6. F

    Finally at peace with axe II v6... Utterly in love. Tips inside i guess?

    My post was not much of a review but rather a discussion on what was happening to me with the equing of the amps... oh well. Hope some get to read this. Adding: jessusaddle pretty much described something that makes a lot of sense.
  7. F

    Finally at peace with axe II v6... Utterly in love. Tips inside i guess?

    I wont argue if he disagrees but having played several high gainers, be them of friends or amps ive owned... it wasnt sounding the same. Specially the 5150 which I owned till I sold to keep the axe. In the end I am extremely happy with the axe and wont be changing for anything else, specially...
  8. F

    Finally at peace with axe II v6... Utterly in love. Tips inside i guess?

    Ok so, Ive been tinkering with the damn thing all week and I have come to a conclusion... The problem I was having was that my guitar sounded like if I was playing with single coils where heard the twang of the strings. After tweaking and tweaking I came to the conclusion that the tapers of the...
  9. F

    From (good) bedroom tone to (weak) live sound...

    You know what happens as well? Presence... too much of it and you get lost. In the axe keep the presence under 12 o clock and you will cut through playing with a band.
  10. F

    Tuner Jitter

    Im sorry but i have to get in this boat too. The tuner is unusable. Every time I pluck a string to tune it, it does something like a reset jumping around and never settling. I didnt have any problems with the tuner in 5.04 and now its a pain to use and not tuning right.
  11. F

    My first full song with the axe fx II (Metal)

    This song with vocals is gonna be KILLER!! Nice job!
  12. F

    Noob still fighting it...

    U mean peavy 5050 classic? Make sure your prescrnce and resonance are at 0. I used it eith my axe and loved it... it was hust fatally heavy... thats why i got the matrix gt1000fx.
  13. F

    Humbuckers sound like playing through single coils in 6.0

    Yes. I believe Because what is being mixed is the dry guitar signal and the wet signal which is why it sounded like going through single coils... because i was hearing the guitar on top of the amp blocks signal. This must be done for a new blank patch... i did not hear it in the presets because...
  14. F

    Humbuckers sound like playing through single coils in 6.0

    Wow! I had not notice this beagle although i did see it was 100 i had forgoten it was 0 before v6. I will try that as soon as i get home. Thanks man!
  15. F

    Humbuckers sound like playing through single coils in 6.0

    Its not the battery. I had changed it. I am going to try the solution to the phase cancelation, thanks jon! Ill let u guys know. The presets seem to sound perfect.. i am experiencing this when starting with blank patches and even with just the amp block. Its happening in all types... specially...
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