Premier Guitar with the Axe II at NY Amp Show

I spoke to Premiere Guitar. The video will be back online after a quick technical edit.
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Yeah, the kid could play but didn't have a lot of feel. Couldn't judge pick attack because he used his fingers =P

Happy to see the unit in action, but craving more.

I don't know what you saw, but I saw a kid who used the volume knob, multiple pickup variations. How can you judge *feel* if you can't judge pick attack because he used his fingers?

Sorry, but this is a silly thing to say.

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This is a bit OT, but every time I see your user name, I imagine a sign at a 4 way stop that says:

Elect Ron Pirate

More OT, but I picked this name in about 3 seconds of thinking because I HATE numbers in my usernames/handles. To be perfectly honest, I had NO idea that the word 'Ron' was embedded until someone else pointed it out (just an indication of the percentage of brain function I can actually operate under...)

More OT, but I picked this name in about 3 seconds of thinking because I HATE numbers in my usernames/handles. To be perfectly honest, I had NO idea that the word 'Ron' was embedded until someone else pointed it out (just an indication of the percentage of brain function I can actually operate under...)


Your last name isn't Pirate?
You're kidding me right, Alex? Did you see anything in my post about how good he is at guitar or how much feeling he played with or that I thought he should be "shredding away"? No. I was merely commenting on the fact that his style of playing did not do such a great job at conveying what the unit is capable of. Don't make it sound like I'm starting a flame war here.

See Don below:

Not my intention at all. Excuse me if I reacted too strongly.
It's just that I appreciate the kid's playing. Demonstrates to me perfectly the dynamics of the amp models that Matt prepared in the first bank, the influence of the BB on the tone etc.
We already got quite some "heavier" demos (Mark Day, Peter Thorn and others) out there). Nice to hear something different now.
Not my intention at all. Excuse me if I reacted too strongly.
It's just that I appreciate the kid's playing. Demonstrates to me perfectly the dynamics of the amp models that Matt prepared in the first bank, the influence of the BB on the tone etc.
We already got quite some "heavier" demos (Mark Day, Peter Thorn and others) out there). Nice to hear something different now.

yeah, sorry. Rereading that, it came across as pretty harsh. Not my intention either haha. Cheers.
Liked it

The interview piece is a little doofy and I could've used more playing, but what I heard sounded really good. I think fingers are a great way to be able to hear the dynamic response of the amp models and the models were oozing response to my ears. You could hear the bite and drive of picking harder and the cleanup of picking softer. The drive pedals sounded good.

I could've used a whole lot more playing and less talking, but their intended audience probably hasn't spent several hours pouring over the features of the AxeFx II until they could recite them in their sleep like I have.

When people talk about "what the unit is capable of" the spectrum is so broad as to be untouchable in one video. The people who want to hear Mark Day are looking at one set of sounds as their universe. Personally, I would never use any of the sounds he does. That's not a criticism as he sounds great doing what he does, but it bears almost no relation to the set of things I do and doesn't begin to reveal to me if the Axe is capable of doing what I'd want it to do.

The best demos of the original Axe remain for me the history of guitar stuff the guy from Norway does. That really gives an idea of the vast scope of sounds possible from the Axe family across a super wide variety of genres.

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I was only kidding, but hey - he went through the trouble to rip the video and uploaded it, seems worth a FB add to watch. If not, just wait for Premiere to upload it in a day or two :)
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