Premier Guitar with the Axe II at NY Amp Show

A little disappointed by the playing as compared to the guy they had last year. He showed off the unit more effectively.
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Is that X/Y label meaning that you can change ALL setup on the patch from X to Y with 1 switch? Amp AND fx? That's great!
Go Matt, go Matt!

P.S. The switch assignment of the MFC in the video gives away that the next MFC firmware will bring us dual-function switches.
Yeah baby!
A little disappointed by the playing as compared to the guy they had last year. He showed off the unit more effectively.

You're kidding aren't you? Amazing skills for a kid of that age. Not shredding away but playing with "feel".
Great stuff! But I'd wish to hear more models! The kid can play guitar but I'm not into the finger picking style à la Mark Knoffler. Maybe a Lespaul with heavy gain Marshall amps would have been interesting to hear too!! Just my opinion!
Great stuff! But I'd wish to hear more models! The kid can play guitar but I'm not into the finger picking style à la Mark Knoffler. Maybe a Lespaul with heavy gain Marshall amps would have been interesting to hear too!! Just my opinion!

a good (effective) demo guy should be able to go through a lot of different styles quickly instead of noodling what he likes to play.
You're kidding aren't you? Amazing skills for a kid of that age. Not shredding away but playing with "feel".

You're kidding me right, Alex? Did you see anything in my post about how good he is at guitar or how much feeling he played with or that I thought he should be "shredding away"? No. I was merely commenting on the fact that his style of playing did not do such a great job at conveying what the unit is capable of. Don't make it sound like I'm starting a flame war here.

See Don below:

a good (effective) demo guy should be able to go through a lot of different styles quickly instead of noodling what he likes to play.
Uh.. Video been remove by user ????? It just went up! Same on TGP... removed!
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