Can’t nail the Robben Ford sound and I know exactly why. Help?

So I’ve had my unit for a couple years now and, frankly, I never could bond with the various Dumble style amps in the Fractal. The Dumble sound in my head was Robben Ford, period. That chewy, saggy, mid heavy tone. The fact that I couldn’t make any of the Dumbles get anywhere near what I wanted was interesting because I’ve been using modelers for 20 years and have had no problem getting a satisfying Robben Ford tone from much lesser modelers.

I’m a 50’s and 60’s amp tone guy. I’m all about the Tweed, Brown, and Black Fenders, the Vox’s, the Marshall’s, and all the Boutique variant’s in the Fractal. I’ll spend weeks digging through a particular amp type with either my Tele or my Les Paul and then something will eventually trigger me to move on to another amp type.

I recently decided to make another effort to try to make sense of the Dumble style amps again. My biggest hurdle in the past had been that just about all of the “appropriate” IR’s for the Dumble style amps have been way too dark for me. Coming from Fender’s, Vox’s, and Marshall’s I’m used to a sparkly top end and I did not find that at all. I’m also a purist when it comes to cabs for certain amps and with Dumble’s I won’t consider anything other than EVM12L’s or G12-65’s (or clones). To me, these are essential for the Dumble sound and with anything else they lose what makes a Dumble special.

My trigger this time was a John Nathan Cordy video on the Two-Rock J35 and while my style is nothing like his, the tones he was getting were not dark and muffled. Thankfully he said the factory IR’s he used and as soon as I plugged these in, everything made sense and the Dumbles all sounded glorious. I was also coming at it from more of a John Mayer Dumble angle instead of Robben Ford. The tones I’m getting are so incredibly balanced and definitely have their own vibe going on. The clean and edge of breakup tones are amazing.

For the record, the cabs are the Bludo 2x12 57 A and the Jay Mitchell Farfield G12-65. I roll the level on the Jay Mitchell back -6.0, absolute perfection.

Once I spent some time just dialing in tones that sounded good to me on a few of the Dumble style amps, I thought I’d take a stab at the Robben Ford sound again. Unfortunately though there is one massive part of the sound that I just can’t get. THE SAG! I can get close to his tone, but neither the ODS Ford or the Bludo, amps based on Robben’s Dumble, have enough sag to them. When Robben kicks in the gain for a lead there is sag for days like an old cranked black or brown Fender. The low notes fart out in the most glorious way. I can get the Fenders in the Fractal to sag out like this all day long, but none of the Dumbles in the Fractal will do this.

So the question is, is there some deep dive parameter that I’m missing that will allow me to dial in some sag? I’ve messed with the sag parameter which I think is in the power supply section of the amp block, but I barely notice any effect at all. Is there anything else I can mess with to get more saggy, chewy, creamy, farty goodness?

Here’s some tone examples of what I’m talking about:

I'm by no means an expert on neither Dumbles nor Robben Ford, but considering the relatively low volume, I think he is using, I would assume he has a pedal in front for the leads. I am thinking something like a Klon or ZenDrive.

He gets very nice tones in these videos. I especially liked the lead tone on Rose...
This is from Leon Todd , not from could try to experiment with the Input dynamics in the amp block. I got some unexpected good results by doing this. Mostly, when I use the bridge pickup ( mine is pretty hot ) and mostly when I use the Dumble ODS 100 HRM in the fractal. Beside this, I love the dumble/dumblish tones from Robben. Zendrive could help, Cornerstone Gladio too ( sadly not available in the fractal )could help.The search goes on.
You may find it artificial, but maybe try Gain Enhancer mode of the output compressor in the amp block. Back down gain a bit, let the Gain Enhancer replace it, saw what you think.
Sag is also dependent on Master Volume. The higher the MV, the more sag. So... turn up the MV.

Not sure why I didn’t think of this myself. Well, I tried it and it didn’t really make much of a difference, at least not as much as I’d like.

I decided to improvise a bit to see what I could come up with. I started thinking “what else gives an amp that saggy nature?” Fuzzface!

I popped a Fuzzface into the chain in front of the ODS Ford on the edge of breakup and it worked extremely well. I didn’t have much time with it, but the short amount of time I did spend tweaking it I got very close to the lead tone in the “Rose of Sharon” video. I’ll definitely be exploring this further.
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This is from Leon Todd , not from could try to experiment with the Input dynamics in the amp block. I got some unexpected good results by doing this. Mostly, when I use the bridge pickup ( mine is pretty hot ) and mostly when I use the Dumble ODS 100 HRM in the fractal. Beside this, I love the dumble/dumblish tones from Robben. Zendrive could help, Cornerstone Gladio too ( sadly not available in the fractal )could help.The search goes on.

Input dynamics in the Magic Tab in the amp Block.

You may find it artificial, but maybe try Gain Enhancer mode of the output compressor in the amp block. Back down gain a bit, let the Gain Enhancer replace it, saw what you think.

I’ll try these tomorrow.
Speaker compression and time constant may be worth a shot as well. Higher time constant can get you the feel of the volume sagging down when you dig in.
I think Robben runs all his pedals in front of the amp too so if you're not already putting the Delay/Reveb in front try that. You have to lower the mix especially for Overdrive stuff but if you're trying to copy his setup and sound that's a part of it.
I don't know too much about Robben Ford, but I dig what he does and I own a similar SG/Les Paul to the one used in the first video you referred. I couldn't resist the Sag challenge and gave it a quick shot. I think Scene 2 gets me pretty close. It certainly feels saggy! Basically just a Zen in front of the ODS with settings similar to some pics I found of Mr Ford's, with the EV12L DynaCab.

Here's a video demo:

Here's the preset:
Was there a little nod to Magic Man in there?
I don't know too much about Robben Ford, but I dig what he does and I own a similar SG/Les Paul to the one used in the first video you referred. I couldn't resist the Sag challenge and gave it a quick shot. I think Scene 2 gets me pretty close. It certainly feels saggy! Basically just a Zen in front of the ODS with settings similar to some pics I found of Mr Ford's, with the EV12L DynaCab.

Here's a video demo:

Here's the preset:
Did you find out what was on his Pedalboard when those nice clips where filmed?
Normally, he has/had a Zendrive, a Strymon Timeline and/or a TC Flashback and sometimes a Cornerstone Gladio. The slapback delay ( 116 /119ms is often a part of his sound. Thats what I know.
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I don't know too much about Robben Ford, but I dig what he does and I own a similar SG/Les Paul to the one used in the first video you referred. I couldn't resist the Sag challenge and gave it a quick shot. I think Scene 2 gets me pretty close. It certainly feels saggy! Basically just a Zen in front of the ODS with settings similar to some pics I found of Mr Ford's, with the EV12L DynaCab.

Here's a video demo:

Here's the preset:

I came here from youtube because I assumed you made this video for this forum post lol. Sounds great as always man!
I don't know too much about Robben Ford, but I dig what he does and I own a similar SG/Les Paul to the one used in the first video you referred. I couldn't resist the Sag challenge and gave it a quick shot. I think Scene 2 gets me pretty close. It certainly feels saggy! Basically just a Zen in front of the ODS with settings similar to some pics I found of Mr Ford's, with the EV12L DynaCab.

Here's a video demo:

Here's the preset:

Wow. This ends my search, thanks for sharing (well done)!
I don't know too much about Robben Ford, but I dig what he does and I own a similar SG/Les Paul to the one used in the first video you referred. I couldn't resist the Sag challenge and gave it a quick shot. I think Scene 2 gets me pretty close. It certainly feels saggy! Basically just a Zen in front of the ODS with settings similar to some pics I found of Mr Ford's, with the EV12L DynaCab.

Here's a video demo:

Here's the preset:

Liked that a lot, but on my PRS with WCR Godwood pickups, it sounded to sizzly and not brassy enough. So I added my take in Scene 5 in case it helps. That scene also has a different take with the Nobel Drive if you want to boost gain for leads. 2290 also added, because I know Ford likes that delay, too.


  • Burgs' Ford ODS w. GRon5.syx
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I don't know too much about Robben Ford, but I dig what he does and I own a similar SG/Les Paul to the one used in the first video you referred. I couldn't resist the Sag challenge and gave it a quick shot. I think Scene 2 gets me pretty close. It certainly feels saggy! Basically just a Zen in front of the ODS with settings similar to some pics I found of Mr Ford's, with the EV12L DynaCab.

Here's a video demo:

Here's the preset:

Hi, @Burgs I watched this video earlier today cause I follow your Youtube channel. Thank you so much for sharing the preset !
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