Question about Shreddy Death Metal tone "fizziness"?

Ah and seeing the others pics … your cpu is touching the red, the mics in the dynacabs are in the grill of the cab, you add even more treble with the eq, no high cut… the problem is the way you does your preset .

1/ less is more !

2/ use the levelling tool in the tools section in axe edit for the volume of your preset

Are you saying you mic all cabs like a foot or more away from the grill? every studio i've ever been to even wtih room mic's to augment it the (at least dynamic mics) are about touching the grill, just not directly on the cone, which i also do not do, but for the immediacy of the attack (especially when playing fast metal stuff) you definitely want at LEAST one mic VERY close to the grill just off center from the cone usually (and as such you usually move it around to where it sounds best. I also have many many presets where i have one mic close to the grill and all others with like 1 190mm-ish, another 520mm-ish, and another 790mm-ish away along with room/air settings to get air in them, it still does this. and yes some of my presets are often asking a lot of the CPU (almost never go above 85% though) and that is usually because on that particular preset i'm using 2 amp blocks and 2 cab blocks with 4 speakers mic'd per block and on some scene's have a B channel 2nd 2 amp's for cleans, and or sometimes different cab duo's where one duo is mic'd closer/less air/room and others are dialed in as i said with LOTS of room/air sound, sometimes all 3 (close mic'd/far mic'd roomy/clean channels too) and that seems to give the AFX a workout. but all my presets are different and yet this is a constant so i can't blame it on any of those things.

I will check out this levelling tool you speak of though, thanks!
For the crackle, remove something to not be in the red zone with your cpu (you are at 80%), then use the levelling tool to not touch the red with your preset .

Remove what? like i said thevast majority of my presets are not that high on CPU yet still crackle like that
Remove what? like i said thevast majority of my presets are not that high on CPU yet still crackle like that
I don’t know I base myself on your screen shots. Remove a block, your cpu is touching the red (up right in axe edit) . The levelling tool is super important you ll see . With this no clipping .

Just try to help hm, I give you many tips already.

For the mics position , the more you are on the grill, the more it amplifies the high frequencies too. So this + this + this …
Oh man the leveling tool is awesome. I know i was dialing the presets up way too high for gratification in the room as then when i'd go to track them i'd have to keep turning the amps down and down and down to not be in the red for tracking. Unfortunately fizz/crckling is still there every bit as much as before just less loud.
Like i said i posted the input level and i go guitar to axe fx with nothing inbetween and then hit that kind of low input level, what else do you want me to fix? there is nothign i am aware of that could be boosting it pre-axe fx unless the axe fx is just not compatible with active pickups which i've seen tons of people using with it.
Like i said i posted the input level and i go guitar to axe fx with nothing inbetween and then hit that kind of low input level, what else do you want me to fix? there is nothign i am aware of that could be boosting it pre-axe fx unless the axe fx is just not compatible with active pickups which i've seen tons of people using with it.
Settings-i/o-input level. Probably too hot.
Like i said i posted the input level and i go guitar to axe fx with nothing inbetween and then hit that kind of low input level, what else do you want me to fix? there is nothign i am aware of that could be boosting it pre-axe fx unless the axe fx is just not compatible with active pickups which i've seen tons of people using with it.
what are you recording the axefx into?
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fizz test 3

ok so i turned the input level ALL the way down on the axe fx and used the leveler tool to make sure it was far below the red in the DAW and everything and used Fractals Skull Crusher stock without changing a single thing ONLY the guitar into the axe FX with input at nothing going to the stock one amp one cab (used the USA Mc90 4x12 cab) not touching a thing on that and recorded the above which obviously is a hell of a lot less fizzy (also extremely dull to my ears) but you can STILL hear some fizzy air when it rings out a bit IE though that minimized it a LOT i don't personally believe that is "it".


  • InputLevel2.jpg
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what are you recording the axefx into?
USB to my iMac into ableton live. I also have a universal audio apollo twin duo i have made an agregate audio interface with but did not use it for this experiment only the axe fx and the guitar and the computer/ableton. I also don't have that issue with anything else i record into it, nor with the guitar into native instruments guitar rig, nothing. Just this.
I actually have a bunch of presets up on axe change already both the high gain fizzy metal ones and the less fizzy rock ones, under username fumsk just be warned they are mostly LOUD (i had to turn them WAY down to get these recordings without bombing out in the red like crazy)
and they go down sequentially in number until:
I tried a few of these. Bypassed all the blocks except amp+cab and ensured the mic preamp was disabled in the cab block. This isolated the clipping to the amp block. Resetting the amp block fixed it.
Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 3.54.19 PM.png
They were also way too loud. When recording digitally via USB/SPDIF/AES, turning up the preset volume will not help your SNR or affect it in any way. Metering at -10dB to -18dB in your DAW is just fine. I use the amp block level parameter to control the overall volume of my presets.

i turned the input level ALL the way down on the axe fx
This is unnecessary. Follow the instructions in the manual for this parameter i.e. adjust it so the meter "tickles the red" when you play hard.

43-ish years of hearing music through spearkers/headphones/live/$100,000 audiophile setups with monoblocks and wilson watt puppy speakers/high end commercial studios/low end bedroom studios/earbuds and ipods, 30 years of playing my guitar
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I tried a few of these. Bypassed all the blocks except amp+cab and ensured the mic preamp was disabled in the cab block. This isolated the clipping to the amp block. Resetting the amp block fixed it.

View attachment 130400

They were also way too loud. When recording digitally via USB/SPDIF/AES, turning up the preset volume will not help your SNR or affect it in any way. Metering at -10dB to -18dB in your DAW is just fine. I use the amp block level parameter to control the overall volume of my presets.
This, and I still had to dial the level of the amp blocks back to -25dB or so not to have the output ridiculously in the red. The original screenshots had the amp level at 0dB and 7dB in the cab so trying to tame that by turning down the input level (which I run on 6.5% for both hot passives and active pickups) was never going to fix the issue.
Same everything into NI Guitar Rig

I did another short dumb test with the same everything but into native instruments guitar rig rather than my axe FX (which i vastly prefer) and I don't hear anywhere near as much fuzz and this is with a tube screamer (drive all the way down tone up a little, level all the way up) into their 2A compressor into their soldano version. I don't know man, i'm hearing a difference. the audio examples i posted were not at 80%, the last one with the axe fx with with as minimal stuff as i could use to get sound out of it with the input level OFF it was down all the way. Anyways I'm done troubleshooting this for the night, at least i learned about the level tool. Thank you to all the people who were nice and tried to be helpful.
"I tried a few of these. Bypassed all the blocks except amp+cab and ensured the mic preamp was disabled in the cab block. This isolated the clipping to the amp block. Resetting the amp block fixed it."

I'd really like to, but I'm not buying that. i only even not long ago found out dyna cabs existed and like JUST found out about the preamp section of the cab blocks so i had never touched that until like a week ago? in fact i don't think i even touched them in anything i uploaded to axe change, and it still did this with legacy cabs. Are you saying you ALSO got the same kind of fizz/rattle/crackle with that preset until you went with a stock untouched default amp block? because I ALWAYS got that sound it just may get exacerbated by some of the other things I did to make it more high gain/shreddy. And i see that you are a professional musician who tours and seems to know their stuff i only think you might not be as familiar with what i was going for with these tones possibly (i don't know perhaps you are familliar with death metal, it certainly didn't appear like it, and i love all types of stuff including probably stuff you play and whatnot)

"They were also way too loud. When recording digitally via USB/SPDIF/AES, turning up the preset volume will not help your SNR or affect it in any way. Metering at -10dB to -18dB in your DAW is just fine. I use the amp block level parameter to control the overall volume of my presets."

yes, exactly like i warned "just be warned they are mostly LOUD (i had to turn them WAY down to get these recordings without bombing out in the red like crazy)" as I'm aware the presets as are are WAY too absurdly loud, it was just gratifying playing it that loud in the room but like i said every time i'd record them i'd have to keep turing it down and down and down until it was no longer in the red, which is why i was so psyched you mentioned the level tool and i now love that thing to death. So thank you for that.

"For the mics position , the more you are on the grill, the more it amplifies the high frequencies too. So this + this + this …"

I've never seen anyone NOT put at least one mic on or basically on the grill, you just generally do not want that mic dead on the cone, and like i said i've also worked in studios as it appears you have and so you are mist likely familiar when getting sounds you move the mic around until you find where it sounds best, which is usually just off of the cone, many people mark it with tape and such, they don't pull ALL mic's at least 6" away from the grill, if they use multiple mic's on one guitar track they very likely will walk around the room covering one ear until they find where it sounds best and put a mic (on an ear level mic stand) THERE, but i have never ONCE heard ANY engineer/producer say "oh no you don't want to put the mic near the grill that will make high frequencies freak out and you'll get a buzzy fizzy rattle/crackle. because this doesn't happen. and yes i get one thing plus another thing exacerbates the issue, but i did not think i was doing anything to that greatly contribute to it and like i said it happens when i do NOTHING even so i'm not buying i'm just a moron who can't dial in a preset and that's why my presets crackle, they do it with the stock presets that CAME with the axe fx even and i didn't make those.

i turned the input level ALL the way down on the axe fx
This is unnecessary. Follow the instructions in the manual for this parameter i.e. adjust it so the meter "tickles the red" when you play hard."

I did that because the big guy kept saying i'm doing something to clip before the axe fx i.e. the axe fx has nothing to do with it i'm doing something to hit it too hard, when i'm doing nothing, it's just going guitar straight into the axe fx and i posted the original pretty low input level but for the same of it as it was the only thing i could do about hitting the device too hard turned the input level all te way down yet it still had that fizzy crackle. one of the problems of talking to several people about the same issue i'm not only replying to one.

Again thank you all for the useful suggestions and i'll try what i can but i've about had it for today and am a bit fatigued trying to get to the bottom of this particular problem so i will address it another day. Thanks!
You can lead a horse to water...
it actually takes time to do all the stuff i did so i'm sorry i didn't even see some of your replies until after trying the last test with guitar rig (which doesn't seem to do it at least nearly as bad to me). but i am actually trying everything suggested here.
turn on plate suppressor diodes under the power amp page, switch the power to DC on the power supply page and turn master bias excursion to 0 on the dynamics page.

Whoa i don't know how i missed this post but i will definitely try this when I next address this, thank you!
Are you saying you ALSO got the same kind of fizz/rattle/crackle with that preset until you went with a stock untouched default amp block?
yes, the clipping in all the presets you posted that I tried was fixed by simply resetting the amp block. I didn't check the other blocks, bypassing them was my way of isolating the issue down to the amp block. I don't know which of the hundreds of parameters in the amp block was set incorrectly so whenever I have something weird going on with the amp block, resetting it back to its defaults is a sure fire way to fix it.

It's possible there's issues with the other blocks too, but you need to get the amp block fixed first, then turn on the other blocks one at a time to see if they're causing issues.

JUST found out about the preamp section of the cab blocks so i had never touched that until like a week ago? in fact i don't think i even touched them in anything i uploaded to axe change, and it still did this with legacy cabs
The mic preamp on the cab block was disabled on all of your presets I tried, but there was no way for me to know this in advance, and it's possible to clip the mic preamp section of the cab block if it's enabled, which is why I had to check it.

it actually takes time to do all the stuff i did so i'm sorry i didn't even see some of your replies until after trying the last test with guitar rig (which doesn't seem to do it at least nearly as bad to me). but i am actually trying everything suggested here.
no worries I was just messing around
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I'd wager 90% of your problem is using WAY too much gain. You've got a really high gain amp with a 12 dB boost on, Saturation on, AND an Drive block in front. There's nothing left of the original guitar signal but mush and fizz. You hit the point of diminishing return with gain a few miles back.
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