FM3 Firmware Version 7.00

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Started the FW7 update and while it was transferring the files from FracBot to the FM3 I unplugged the guitar cable which stopped the transfer and kind of just hung there. Reconnecting the cable to the input and restarting the update got me back in shape. Going through the cycle now, back in a few…
Go the “Dyna cabs not installed” message upon reboot. Installing Dyna cabs now….

PS this is an intense update.

Edit: Ok all set. Thanks FAS! I'm gonna go play now :)
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Started the FW7 update and while it was transferring the files from FracBot to the FM3 I unplugged the guitar cable which stopped the transfer and kind of just hung there. Reconnecting the cable to the input and restarting the update got me back in shape. Going through the cycle now, back in a few…
Huh? Your guitar cable has nothing to do with a firmware update...
Huh? Your guitar cable has nothing to do with a firmware update...
I’m not going to go as far as suggest that input 1 and guitar cable would stop a firmware update, but input 1 does have active circuitry that has caused strange things a couple times for me. I never brought it up because I was not able to repeat it (or didn’t desire to track it down) and I had done something that I should know could cause possible issues. The most notable was one time I accidentally did not have the cable plugged in completely and not connected to a guitar on the other end. When I restarted after a firmware update the unit did something similar to when you accidentally create a feedback loop in a piece of digital gear and it goes into some sort of uncontrolled clipping that could only be stopped by a power cycle. Before the power cycle I made sure everything was connected properly and that’s when I realized the cable was not fully inserted.

When people were having issues with the beta and loud uncontrolled sound with the dyna cabs or whatever it really was what they described sounded much like what I experienced. I never wanted to confuse the issue with my experience because as I said I really wasn’t sure why exactly it happened. I just know everything was normal again after making sure everything was connected correctly.

However, ever since then I disconnect the input while doing updates. I also have experience some sound quality issues and pulling the plug and reinserting it would clear it up. And no it’s not the cable. It’s 100% correct. It could be something as simple as static buildup messing with input sensing circuit.

I still hesitate bringing this up because I don’t want to get into a drag out debate about it. I do know as an electronics dude that electricity can react in unexpected ways until you fully investigate and understand what was happening. Since I have chosen to create a world for myself with many electronic gadgets I don’t always have the desire or time to track down those little oddities. I do still ponder and devise hypothesis in my head which may or may not be correct.
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I always have a little (unfounded) anxiety when upgrading FW, but as usual, 7.0 install went smooth and everything sounds great. Thanks FAS!
Oh yeah, it’s pretty weird and totally unexpected. It ended up successful so it’s all good. Just thought I would mention it in case someone else has the same issue.
Maybe a static pulse or something?

I've never heard of anyone having anything like that happen and can't really think of any other way that could affect anything.

At least you got thru it without impact!
Is booting delayed after firmware update? After installing DynaCap, loading occurs twice
Do you mean two Dynacabs loading processes, or two system boots to get the unit to start properly?

The first is normal, but I don't think the second is! My brand new FM3T often wants two power cycles to start properly 🙄
Do you mean two Dynacabs loading processes, or two system boots to get the unit to start properly?

The first is normal, but I don't think the second is! My brand new FM3T often wants two power cycles to start properly 🙄
I'm wondering if he's not referring to the two-step process for booting Dynacabs. If you watch on boot up, it will first "load" and then "uncompress" (going from memory on that one but it's something similar) the Dynacabs. It could make it appear they are being loaded twice but they aren't, it's just a two-step process.
It's more than a little if your standing on stage and the fm3 stops reacting mid song without time to diagnose. Missed the solo. Weird looks all around.

Apparently it affects me more than I thought it had. I'm also not stoked about the DynaCabs. So I could do without...
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