PRS shopping today - I picked one!

What pickups does it come with?
In this case the korean made 85/15's. I have no idea how they compare to the core LT 85/15's. The shop here actually had a pair of those, the core ones. Guess they don't come around too often. $650 CAD. Bit steep for my wallet.
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In this case the korean made 85/15's. I have no idea how they compare to the core LT 85/15's. The shop here actually had a pair of those, the core ones. Guess they don't come around too often. $650 CAD. Bit steep for my wallet.
Those came in my SE Standard 24, and I swapped a pair into my SE 245. Love them!
So I have a BKP Rebel Yell with chrome cover that would drop in nicely. I just took it out of my Les Paul Tribute. I'm not saying I will or that I even want to. I'm not touching the 85/15's for some time to really get familiar with them. I love the sounds I'm getting so far and I if I drop a higher output pickup like the Rebel Yell then my 594 will just sound more like all my other guitars. Not what I"m after. CUrious what pickups people have swapped in their PRS guitars....
So I have a BKP Rebel Yell with chrome cover that would drop in nicely. I just took it out of my Les Paul Tribute. I'm not saying I will or that I even want to. I'm not touching the 85/15's for some time to really get familiar with them. I love the sounds I'm getting so far and I if I drop a higher output pickup like the Rebel Yell then my 594 will just sound more like all my other guitars. Not what I"m after. CUrious what pickups people have swapped in their PRS guitars....
I replaced dragon ii’s in a custom 22 with sd 59s and didnt hear a difference (clean and mid gain, high volume). Put lollars in another cu22 and it was immediately a much fatter sound. Cant recall if low wind or reg wind though. The last 5 I havent touched.
CUrious what pickups people have swapped in their PRS guitars....
Based on my experience with them in my Schroeder, I put WCR Godwoods in my SE Custom 24, and they were a substantial improvement. Depends on what you're after, and I don't remember what the stock pickups were, but they were too "high-fi" sounding to me. They didn't sound like humbuckers. Too much bass, too much high end.
Okay guys I’m in serious trouble here. Now that I’m giving finished necks a fair shake. This custom 24 ten top piezo. It freaking sounds amazing. This would easily replace two or three of my guitars


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So I have a BKP Rebel Yell with chrome cover that would drop in nicely. I just took it out of my Les Paul Tribute. I'm not saying I will or that I even want to. I'm not touching the 85/15's for some time to really get familiar with them. I love the sounds I'm getting so far and I if I drop a higher output pickup like the Rebel Yell then my 594 will just sound more like all my other guitars. Not what I"m after. CUrious what pickups people have swapped in their PRS guitars....
PRS 85/15S pickups into the SE 245, replacing the 245S or whatever they're called. Gained a bit of clarity and dropped a bit of output level - a fair trade, methinks....
So whats in and whats out haha
The S2 594 definitely stays. at this shop they have an impressive PRS collection and rare opportunity to really compare models and neck shapes. I tried out some core 594's and after that I just found a gem in mine as it just played better than just about anything I played in the store today from low to high. The Custom 24 ten top piezo just bedazzled me mostly. Piece of art really. It played pretty great though the action was tad high for my liking....Just not enough to justify $7K price tag. Maybe when i retire one day I'll get something that purdy. No purchases today. I get the PRS love now.
I love it when one guitar introduces a ripple effect and your whole collection changes in a short span.

I mean, I love that it's happening to somebody other than me this time.
It damn near happened. Believe me it was close today but I remain Galadriel. I will diminish, and go into the west....
The S2 594 definitely stays. at this shop they have an impressive PRS collection and rare opportunity to really compare models and neck shapes. I tried out some core 594's and after that I just found a gem in mine as it just played better than just about anything I played in the store today from low to high. The Custom 24 ten top piezo just bedazzled me mostly. Piece of art really. It played pretty great though the action was tad high for my liking....Just not enough to justify $7K price tag. Maybe when i retire one day I'll get something that purdy. No purchases today. I get the PRS love now.

It damn near happened. Believe me it was close today but I remain Galadriel. I will diminish, and go into the west....
But no tele? They're not that expensive unless you go ancient or serious bling, and they really are a thing.
no tele yet. The LSL was close but it has a premium price tag. I'd like to hold out for the right deal and perhaps check out some Fender offerings to get more familiar.
Warmoth has some nice finish options and all the options for neck and body. Top it off with Fralin hum-free pickups and Rutters hardware and you'd have a premium Tele for a reasonable price. Or, check oyr Bud Veazey's VZ Custom Guitars.
Warmoth has some nice finish options and all the options for neck and body. Top it off with Fralin hum-free pickups and Rutters hardware and you'd have a premium Tele for a reasonable price. Or, check oyr Bud Veazey's VZ Custom Guitars.

So like a DIY approach. That would actually be a lot of fun. Plus ready to step up my DIY game. I've done loads of pickup swaps and have done harness once or twice. a Warmoth build would be interesting. I feel like a tele style would be the right kind of project for that....I assume you mean a DIY build/partscaster yes?
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