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So M@ is sporting a shiny new 17 avatar

WOW Cliff!! This is enough to make me want to run out and buy an AxeFX II…..and then I suddenly realized…I ALREADY HAVE ONE!!
YESSSS I think the Character function is just going to make me djent harder.....mid range boost with more attack? How? WHY? MESSHUUGAAHHHHH

An unashamed fanboy report from the beta front lines. Because v17 is so freaking awesome.

Added preamp simulation to Cabinet block. The simulations recreate the sound of overdriven channel strips, preamps, tapes, etc. The Drive parameter controls the gain of the simulation. The Sat parameter controls the ratio of even/odd harmonics. The Preamp Mode parameter (on Page 2) allows selecting between Economy and High Quality modes. In High Quality mode oversampling is employed to prevent aliasing but this results in higher CPU usage.

This has been disclosed by Cliff in another thread. A surprisingly simple way to add the vibe of a mixing console. Make them meters hit the red area hard. Several types available.

Added “3 Band Console” types to Graphic EQ and Amp blocks.

Based on the preamp simulation, see above, but in other blocks.

Added “SDD Preamp”, “FET Preamp” and “Ruckus” types to Drive block.

Extremely nice additions, IMHO. Juicy. Very addictive. Put the FET preamp in front of the DC-30 and the result is better than drugs. Wish I had sufficient CPU reserves to put one of these preamps in every preset.

Changed Cabinet Type parameter behavior so that the value wraps around at limits.

Simple but oh so handy. I can strike one of my long-time wishes.

The Flanger block has been completely rewritten. The new algorithms now model the behavior of classic bucket-brigade device (BBD) units (except they are true stereo). Any existing presets will need to be auditioned and possibly edited. The Depth parameter works somewhat differently now and sets the maximum delay time (up to 20 ms). When Auto Depth is not off the maximum delay is reduced as the rate is increased. There are now three Auto Depth values: Low, Medium and High. Turning Auto Depth to Off allows complete control over the delay time. The minimum time is set by the Delay parameter and the maximum time is set by the Depth. Several new Flanger types have been added which demonstrate the new algorithms. The Chorus block has a new algorithm based on the BBD algorithm developed for the Flanger block. All the “Analog” chorus types now use this algorithm. Several new types have been added which demonstrate the new algorithms.

Whether it's because of the upcoming release of the FX8 or not, fact is that effects are being updated and improved. After the reverbs it's now time Flanging and Chorus time. Even more authentic (BBD), even more analog-ish. You may need to change settings in existing presets, but it's more than worth it. And the addition of more types helps you get started.

The EQ page of the Amp block now supports changing the EQ Type using the Up/Down Nav buttons. The type of EQ will be briefly displayed after it has been changed. The type is also briefly displayed when first switching to that page.

Another simple and handy twist. I like these kind of small but significant improvements.

Added “DYN EQ” GUI page to Amp block. This page now holds the Dynamic Depth, Dynamic Presence, Character Amount (Char Amt, previously named “Character”)
and Character Freq parameters as well as two new parameters: Character Type and Character Q. Character Type selects between a shelving behavior or a peaking behavior. The previous behavior was always shelving. Character Q controls the bandwidth of the response when the peaking behavior is chosen. The Character parameters now control a powerful dynamic equalizer that can be used to achieve tones and feel impossible with a real amplifier. Negative values of the Character Amount along with a peaking behavior result in midrange scoop where the scoop increases as you play harder. Positive values result in a midrange boost as you play harder. Experiment with the frequency, Q and amount to achieve interesting dynamic response.

Further development of Dynamic Presence, Dynamic Depth, and Character. Get brighter or darker as you hit the strings hard. Finetune using the new controls.

Added VU meters to Utility menu. The meters show the relative loudness of the channels. These readouts can be used to help set preset levels to the same apparent volume. For convenience the level of the Amp blocks can be set from this page. Also, the value of the Output Level knobs is displayed in this page for reference (note that this is only for reference and does not affect the VU meters as the measurement is prior to the Output Level potentiometers).

Geamala and Dimebucker will be so happy. ;-)
Anyway, the VU meters work great to indicate your overall preset level.

Added “1959SLP Jump” amp model.
Now my favorite marshall (previously: Plexi 50w).

Changed name of “ODS-100 Lead” and “ODS-100 Lead Mid” to “ODS-100 HRM” and “ODS-100 HRM Mid” respectively to indicate that they are based on the “HRM” version of the ODS circuit. The names of the “ODS-100 Lead 2” and “ODS-100 Lead 3” models have been changed to “ODS-100 Ford 1” and “ODS-100 Ford 2” respectively to indicate that they are based on the “non-HRM” version of the ODS circuit. All the ODS-100 models have been redone and re-MIMIC’d based on errors found in the models (wrong negative feedback values). Added “ODS-100 Ford MD” model which is the same as ODS-100 Ford 1 but with the Mid switch engaged. Added “Rumble HRM” tone stack type which is based on a plate-driven Plexi-style tone stack found in a Dumble “Hot Rubber Monkey” amplifier.

Dumble people, rejoice.

An exact solution has been implemented for the power amp feedback network in the “USA” amp models. As such all these amp models have been redone accordingly with the exception of the “USA Pre” amp models which use a more conventional power amp model. Any presets using these amp models should be reset either by deselecting then reselecting the amp model or by using the “Update Amps Default” in the Utility->Preset menu. Note: due to the unique topology of the feedback network in these amps the Depth control is non-functional. A “Presence Shift” switch has been added to “USA” amp models. This switch is found under the Presence control and replicates the behavior when the Presence knob is pulled out on these amps. Note that the behavior of this switch is authentic and may result in volume reduction when active since the negative feedback is increased which lowers the loop gain.

This is a major improvement. I've got a Mark preset, with FAT on, that never sounded better, especially with the added cabs (see below). It's MASSIVE! I may be one of the few people on board here who couldn't care less about Dream Theater, but even I can recognize the tone.

Replaced the two 4x12 “Kalthallen” cabs with two UltraRes samples from Cab Pack 7.

Yes, Clark Kent (registered at the Finland police station as Mikko Logrén) made it into the firmware. Clark, do a little dance (no, please no video). You can retire now. :)
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