Bug? Wrecker Express & Ideal Preamp CF Comp


Power User
I’m no expert when it comes to the inner workings to amps, I only have a general working knowledge. Anyway, I’m pretty sure the TrainWreck Express is not a CF Amp but one of the settings I’ll tweak from time to time on the non CF Amps is adding in the Preamp CF Compression..
I was just messing around with a Wrecker Express Patch & switched from Authentic to Ideal & it is quite different, like a ring mod or octave fuzz type sound, blown speaker kinda thing going on depending on where ya set the other settings within that little sub-group. It’s definitely not like the other “Ideals” work on the other amps, and the Authentic seems to be completely normal. FW 10.01.
* Lower the Input gain, and use the Input Trim to push the amp..
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