WISH: one-click backup


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How cool would it be if we were able to run a full backup with a single click on an icon?
Like launching Fractal-Bot with a command-line parameter or something like that, making it perform a full backup (pre-set settings) without having to click buttons and boxes.

This way people would probably run a backup every day.
I always do a full backup when I remember to do one, so the boxes are always ticked, but this would be cool
+1 for the community... I almost never do a full backup because I don't want to backup many presets.

But I can see a benefit for many!
Yes agree..
Implemented in FM3- and FX3 Edit as an additional button or menu entry that runs Fractal-Bot with this Backup setting.
Because most will have the Edit software open and do use Fractal-Bot only when they need it for such purposes.
Would love to have scriptable command-line commands for the shell.

You could replace yourself with a small shell script similar to this one, running on a cron job:

### back_up_fractal_gear.sh


fractalbot backup $FX3 all
fractalbot backup $FM9 all

exit 0

Command form:
fractalbot <action> <which unit> <what to back up - all | s | [a-h] | [1 -2]>

Back up system params, banks a and b, and cab bank 1 on a particular connected unit wiuld look something like this:
fractalbot backup fas386cd53b65f8 sab1

Only possible snag or slightly complicated part would be the 'which unit' part, as it may require some sort of UID be found by digging through the connected USB items list and added in place of 1 or 2 in the function call. Seems like a one or two time thing in the script writing process to set up a constant with the UID for the device and refer to it by the constant.

Ideally, the Bot would poll the connected devices and search for the particular unit, and just return with no backup performed if the unit was not connected.
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launching Fractal-Bot with a command-line parameter
I'd like to see the ability to drive Fractal-Bot from the command line. We could automate backups using cron, then automatically compress the files into an archive and copy it into the cloud. I have the compression in a script and copying to the cloud happens via Google Drive, but it's a manual step to initiate the backup.

I'd like to be able to:
  • get a 0/1 status for whether my FM3 or FX3 needs a backup.
  • trigger backups to a specific directory with all the various options for banks, system+fc, etc.
  • ask whether the device is at the current firmware. (I don't want Fractal-Bot pushing updates though.)
What's the logic for "needs a backup"? Dollars to dimes you can't please everyone with that kind of thing.
Simply a status that any bank changed. If Fractal wanted to expose whether individual banks changed that'd be OK, but I wouldn't use it because a full back up of the FX3 when compressed is only 2.3MB, less than half the size of an individual uncompressed bank. If someone wants to back up individual items that's why we have the GUI.

I'm being selfish and don't care if it pleased everyone. :)
Simply a status that any bank changed. If Fractal wanted to expose whether individual banks changed that'd be OK, but I wouldn't use it because a full back up of the FX3 when compressed is only 2.3MB, less than half the size of an individual uncompressed bank. If someone wants to back up individual items that's why we have the GUI.

I'm being selfish and don't care if it pleased everyone. :)
I don't think the hardware keeps track of "bank changed" -- even "preset changed" is only a transient state that's cleared on preset change or save.
But that would be a trivial change it seems, and would be useful for automation of backups.
If we're doing this, I vote for a string that includes a character for each item that changed, so incremental backup is possible. String could look like "ABCDEFGH123S" if all preset banks, cab banks, and global/system bank (shown in that order in this demo list) changed.

Presence of length of the string could be the test in the script to do fill backup, and exploding the string to single chars would work for incremental....
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