WISH: An Idea for 4 channel Selection...

As I continue to learn about my FC-12 as I set it up I'm realizing how powerful the channels layout would be if the temporary display of channels, as per suggestions above, could be implemented. It would be quite the swiss army knife of functionality... 12 objects x number of channels per object on one layout... Just wishful thinking. Since it was mentioned during beta testing I am sure it is difficult to implement... armchair designing is easy especially when you don't have to code it ! This foot controller is superb - great work FAS.
It would be a pretty cool hold option

What I do right now when my 6 is set the hold to cycle through all channels, and the tap is bypass, so I can press and hold and watch the display cycle and let go when I get the channel I want, works well, but labeled channels would sure help.

Can you explain how to do this...? Somehow I don't see the 'cycle' function.....in the Hold menu.....I am using the channel deck/incr function...but after every "hold" it goes up to the next channel...and I have to perform another "hold" to move up...there is no "cycle'....
Thanks !
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