Windows 11 ARM


New Member
Hey everyone!

I just picked up a FM3 this week, and it's amazing. The issue I'm running into is that on my main laptop - a Thinkpad X13s SnapDragon 8cx running Windows 11ARM 24H2 - the fractal drivers will not fully install. The package on the website indicates that the drivers are for 32bit, x64 and ARM64. Unfortunately, only the USB Audio driver installs. The USB communication driver fails. In device manager I'm stuck with 2 devices "AAP Server" and "Fm3 CDC Control" that can't start.

Since with drivers are packaged as an exe, it's not possible to try & install the INFs manually.

Has anyone run into this, and if so, can you share the INF files for ARM64?

Whilst I'm not condoning it, usually an installer will unpack all the files somewhere either in your user profile or the windows directory. If you can get to a point where the installer has errored but hasn't existed then you might be able to search the drive and locate the inf files.
Thanks for that! I found the folder with the INF files: c:\program files(x86)\fractal audio systems\fm3 usb serial device driver\

Windows device manager simply ignores the INF, and so I decided to dig a little...

In the INF file are 2 sections that reference "NTarm" as a platform. After a little googling, I realized that those lines should read "NTarm64" I made the change, and windows immediately tried to load the driver!

Unfortunately, changing the architecture line in the INF changed that hash compared to the CAT file, and windows says it's been tampered with and cannot load the driver.... SO close!

I guess I'll raise a ticket with the Fractal folks so that they know what's going on with this.
@bprendie I'll send you a direct message shortly with some debugging instructions. I'd prefer to work privately with you since there will be a good amount of back and forth that will create a lot of noise on the forum. Once we reach a solution, I'll post all relevant info on this thread for the benefit of others. Also, just a heads up that with the 4th of July holiday, responses after today will be delayed until next week.

Update for everyone. I believe we have found a solution to this which involves installing a new driver. There is a little more testing to do before we can officially release. When it is ready, I will post a relevant link here.

Final update:

We've officially released the new USB Serial driver as part of our driver bundle. You can download the new driver bundle from our products download page (look for Windows USB Drivers Bundle):

For more info, refer to this forum post:

Please note, if you are already using an FM3 on Windows and FM3 Edit and Fractal-Bot is working normally, you can ignore this update.

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