there's the idea, I get that, but the guitar is out of tune, everything sounds the same (I agree Sixstring) and it's clipping. When I understood the idea I was like "oh, nice. that sounds like a different approach" but then I heard it and was like "EW!". They need better videos to demo this thing, that's for sure. It sure does not sound like an axe-fx (the youtube version of an recorded axe-fx that is.) It's like an halfway approach to the axe-fx. digital, but still analog. well if it sounds analog, but it's all digital and you can't tell the difference then BOOM ----> digital <3 (I must sound like an axe-fx fanboy now. well there's a reason.)
It would be nice to hear it with someone who knows how to tune and play through it there might be some specific uses that it might be good for. Then again as has been already mentioned, all the models do sound the same with different EQ and gain being used.
As to sounding like a fanboy... It's ok man! I'm one also as are most everyone here, I know it sounds like preaching to the quire but when we are all singing the same tune it's one big glorious harmony :lol.