I joined the club a few hours ago
These are my first minutes with the unit. I specially wanted to check the cab block. Here you can hear the very first sound I got out of the unit (stock preset "59 Bassguy"), then I checked the MK II, which is my go-to amp, and edit two presets using it : 013 "USA IIC+" (0:40 original preset, as from 0:50 a quick tweaking session with it, specially in the cab block) and 082 "Petrucci rig", where I'm adding my own cab to the original one to add some brightness/presence. I intend to do that a lot, mixing darker and brighter IRs and trying to find the perfect balance between them
Not much interesting musical content here, often it's just the low E ringing and I'm turning a few buttons, but that's how I tweak