Welcome new Fractal customers, and reminder to us old-timers


Owner's Manual Reader
The FM3 is bringing a lot of excitement to this forum, and with it, many new potential users of FAS gear and this forum.

To the new people: Welcome!

To us old-timers:

We’re going to see “the same questions” a lot now. And that’s fine. Let’s paste links to existing threads and be helpful. If you’re tired of answering a question “again”, then don’t answer it :) Someone else is sure to get to it.

This is a great forum. But some people live here and it’s easy to lose perspective of what “day 1” felt like. Let’s welcome the new people and help out.
I read this forum every day and I've always thought @chris has the patience of a saint. Answering the same questions time again as if it's the first. FROM ME INCLUDED I HASTEN TO ADD!!!

Personally I couldn't do it, just the same as I couldn't teach a close relative to drive. No patience.

However, as long as there are people like him, the world and this forum is a better place. Kudos to you Chris and long may it continue.
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