Waitlist Email

Honestly it seems like it takes forever but happy days are a comin! It will be your time in no time. Hang in there!
I kind of liked not being in the first line of orders cause it gave me a little time to see what other people are doing patch wise, issues to be found and corrected.
It jumped from (what we know) 6:12 to 6:44 today
6:12p was yesterday, with only one person reporting. Today was 6:28p - 6:44p, and several recent days of no invitations hurt the trend by pulling it down to 16m/day but there's nothing that can be done about it.

I think we're on the downhill side of the slope because we're still seeing the invites cover more time in the waitlist.
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I traded a QC for the FM9. Im not on the waitlist until the 30th? But when I do get my invite I'll buy it for the warranty and sell my used fm9 for retail (plus shipping so I don't lose money). I'll make a sales post when it roles around
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