I thought it might be useful to make a compiled list of all the great Ax8 tutorials out there. I am not looking for all videos featuring Ax8 tones and a 'preset runthrough' is not really what I am looking for. But any video that shows you how to do something in the Ax8.
There's a lot of great videos with this out there, but I think they are just scattered across the interwebs. A collection might be useful for new and experienced users.
Our number one ressource for this is obviously @Chris@AxeFxTutorials. He has both premium and free videos. They all come highly recommended.
Here is his beginners guide (Premium video with free preview)
He also has a beyond basics video (which will be in three parts once completed)
James Ryan (I do not think he is a user on this forum) has a few very good videos featuring the Ax8 - I found his quick feature runthrough particularly useful
Chris has a much longer video on the same topic
Both are running FW1 in the video, so the Ax8 LCD screen behaves quite differently than the current FW3. Chris shows the new screen user interface in a free video here (it is on the FX8, but it is the same on Ax8)
The user interface got changed once again for FW3.50 - and once again Christ got us covered with a new video
I hope everyone will add useful videos to this thread. I have just entered the ones, I could think of.
There's a lot of great videos with this out there, but I think they are just scattered across the interwebs. A collection might be useful for new and experienced users.
Our number one ressource for this is obviously @Chris@AxeFxTutorials. He has both premium and free videos. They all come highly recommended.
Here is his beginners guide (Premium video with free preview)
He also has a beyond basics video (which will be in three parts once completed)
James Ryan (I do not think he is a user on this forum) has a few very good videos featuring the Ax8 - I found his quick feature runthrough particularly useful
Chris has a much longer video on the same topic
Both are running FW1 in the video, so the Ax8 LCD screen behaves quite differently than the current FW3. Chris shows the new screen user interface in a free video here (it is on the FX8, but it is the same on Ax8)
The user interface got changed once again for FW3.50 - and once again Christ got us covered with a new video
I hope everyone will add useful videos to this thread. I have just entered the ones, I could think of.