Tone match problem!!


New Member
So I recently got my own AxeFX II unit and I’ve been learning how to use it. I’ve been trying to tone match Chris DeGarmo’s awesome ESP/Duncan tone from the Queensryche empire album using isolated guitar tracks but I haven’t had any success, and after following several instructional videos step by step, the end result sounds like complete garbage, as if the tone without a cab was altered a bit and that’s it. I have no idea what’s I’m doing wrong, maybe it could be that the isolated tracks aren’t of good enough quality, or maybe the signal is too low? (even though it is still detected normally) I feel like I am missing something somewhere. Also when I go to the second page after the capture page in the tone match settings, the grid is empty, while in the videos I watched it wasn’t. Might anyone know what I’m doing wrong? Thanks (sorry I am a newbie)
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