This looks likes it will be an awesome foot controller

True, they started off the right way: asking customers for what they want, a couple of months ago.
Those LEDs per switch are awesome. Probably expensive though.
Will take a year I guess to bring to the market.
Kinda hoping they buy the knowledge from Gordius and integrate it into this housing. :)
Xavier had a similar idea a while back but he thought the displays for the switches were to fragile and not reliable enough.
Perhaps the technology has evolved.
I would also like to see something like this from Gordius.
Thats a good idea for a SMALL foot controller with a lower count of IA switches. That way you could configure which IA's you want per patch and see what they are. With as many IA's on that controller (probably more than on my LF-Pro from the look of it) I can't imagne not having enough buttons where you would have to change some from preset to preset.

The touch screen interface is cool.
i think it's neat, hopefully the text is large enough to read from standing position. It's too big though... most of us play on small stages.. my fx1 and expander are too big for me.. seriously thinking of getting a liquid foot Jr or something.
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