Things to do with your MFC while Axe-less


Fractal Fanatic
1). Coolest doorstop ever.
2). Hook Midi out to your old drum machine, try to play drums with your feet.
3). Put in front of your rig at band practice connected to nothing, do fake A/B tests.. "guys, which tone is better.. this one? (stomp a switch) or THIS?"
4). Take it to work and put it on your desk, spend all day pressing the switches with fingers going 'BEEP.. BOOP.. BLEEEEP'. Pretend you are Spock from the old Star Trek. Or Homer Simpson manning the nuke station.

Upgrade the firmware and chill out while watching the "system reset" light show!
Hahaha! This is great! I was going to post something similar the other day. I'm Axeless since late May and didn't get on the Axe II list until 6/20. I've ordered my Kicktags and they should be here any time now (Sukh rules btw). I have to fight the urge to walk over and randomly step on an MFC button every time I'm in my home office!
Practice using the MFC while playing/practicing/jamming so you can rearrange your Kicktags on your MFC for each performance setting. i.e. live/band practice, recording, looper jamming, etc.

+1 on Sukh with his ingenious Kicktags.
program it? (by the time you get the axe ii, it might be ready, but that's assuming they don't release new firmware in the meantime.) :razz
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