'Thickening' lead tones...

...I'm very happy with my overall tone, but...I want to give my lead tones more 'thickness', for lack of a better way of putting it. What do y'all suggest?

For a thicker lead tone, I usually reduce the Treble/Tone on an overdrive/tubescreamer quite a bit and bump the 250-400 hZ range in the Amp block Output EQ. Engaging the Fat switch in the Amp block can help as well.
Enhance block? PITCH block detuning one voice slightly creating a double track feel
Ehhh...my experience with the enhance block is that it just boosts levels a bit...and I'm pretty well where I want to be with gain and such.

I'm going to go into my parametric EQ and do a little tweaking there...hoping that will give me what I want!
I sweep the parametric EQ, and normally take out a narrow swath at around 3,500 and 5,000. A really fast slap back delay with 1 repeat can also faten things up. I have never had much love for the enhancer live. The pitch detune can help, like a mild chorus.
Might be surprised at what a bit of Leslie effect (rotary) can do. In small doses, it adds some width. It’s a particular sound, and maybe not what you’re looking for, but worth a try. If it doesn’t sound “like an effect” you’ve got the setting about right.
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