The John Nathan Cordy Appreciation Thread

Dumble Resurgence: Fuchs & FAS Takes to Try Out

A more direct raw approach to hearing Dumble its clone, the Fuchs (Fox ODS-100 / Fox Mid). Although John seems to have just tossed the elements of the video together without a lot of attention to production, John captures a wider sense of how you can perceive FAS' takes on the Dumble and Fuchs amps. A nice comparison of creamy smooth overdrive and gain, not pushed too much so as to create extra grit.
I like all John's intros but to date this is my personal favourite:

I think it would be a little bit criminal if he didn't take this intro and develop it fully.
I like all John's intros but to date this is my personal favourite:

I think it would be a little bit criminal if he didn't take this intro and develop it fully.

It's really interesting to me how he deals with gain and tone.

My initial reaction when he went for more gain was that it was pretty muffled. I expected him to add some treble and/or presence, but he went the opposite direction, and turned them down, and also added high cuts between 4 and 5k. He ended up adding some treble back in later, but my point is he's hearing something very different than i do.

He never has much top end on his drive tones, but they still seem very defined and expressive. I don't get it.

I'll download that preset when i have a chance and check it out, but there's something about his whole approach that's really interesting to me.
It's really interesting to me how he deals with gain and tone.

My initial reaction when he went for more gain was that it was pretty muffled. I expected him to add some treble and/or presence, but he went the opposite direction, and turned them down, and also added high cuts between 4 and 5k. He ended up adding some treble back in later, but my point is he's hearing something very different than i do.

He never has much top end on his drive tones, but they still seem very defined and expressive. I don't get it.

I'll download that preset when i have a chance and check it out, but there's something about his whole approach that's really interesting to me.
Agreed. He did a really good video on his use of Mesas for leads and again his way of dialling them in was a bit different from a lot of ppl but still sounded great in a different way.
Softer Sides of Plexi's

Interesting isn't it? John dials it down and mentions the increased headroom. Whenever I listen to YouTube attempts to dial in the Hendrix clean tone on a Plexi (on a modeller or real amp), it invariably (not always) sounds too hot to me. I think most guitarists (I do it too), ramp it up on the Plexi because it does that so well, but it's cool that John has reminded people these amps can do other things 👍🏻
The cleans on Plexi amps are amazing.
JNC seems to bring out the gentle side in my playing...kind of like Julia Child (aka. the voice of Swedish Chef) reminds me a plate of cardamom chai filled cupcakes satisfies my inner child's "I'm supposed to bring a tray of cupcakes to school tomorrow."
Regarding his different way of hearing his target tones - to me he is going for a fatter rounder tone (less treble, no spike, no fizz), and I really like it. Reminds me a lot of the tones that David Grissom uses. Fat, Fat and Phat! Sounds great, and I think much less noisy. Really appreciate his playing and contributions!
Unable to find anywhere so - got Cory's presets, great stuff.
Has "Favorite Blocks .syx"
What the heck is this? Can't drag/drop, put it in the "blocks" directory, not available...
Unable to find anywhere so - got Cory's presets, great stuff.
Has "Favorite Blocks .syx"
What the heck is this? Can't drag/drop, put it in the "blocks" directory, not available...
IIRC, JNC has his gumroad library stored on his YT main page's channel. For about 6£ UK you receive the entire library...over 150 separate presets encapsulated in a folder as syx or wav files. (I'd need to check 'favorite blocks .syx'. Unable to locate any such file from gumroad). You can opt to be a monthly contributing patreon, or a one-time if you opt-out within 2 weeks.

Most all remaining syx files are designed to be uploaded as presets to either a FM3, FM9, or Axe III. Open your device to an empty user preset screen, and select "import preset" from the drop-down menu. Your computer will direct you to where you've got your gumroad library stored, and if not, it shouldn't be too difficult to determine your computer's gum roads files location. Click on the gum roads syx and the file should upload to your device.
Good grief! I've bee auditioning the presets and using "import preset" from the drop-down menu, and that particular one would never load, even though the others would.
Now, I just dragged it to the title and it imported. Then, to test my own (in)sanity, I tried to import it with the drop-down menu and - there it was again. Obviously a bug - in my brain. Too much coffee, not enough pot - man...thanks for the reply and the drag/drop tip.
I like his playing but the gear reviews he does are uninformed and driven by the money.
The utter stupidity on display in his video about pedal companies ripping off people just shows him as the shill he unfortunately is.
I like his playing but the gear reviews he does are uninformed and driven by the money.
The utter stupidity on display in his video about pedal companies ripping off people just shows him as the shill he unfortunately is.
That's a bit too harsh, don't you think?

That video has its own discourse, if you need to rant on some Youtuber for whatever reason who is popular for his honest opinion, just give us another example and then we can try to follow the argument. Thanks
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