Wish Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI


I've noticed a few other wishes to add more bass models to the Axe Fx repertoire. I know we already have the Darkglass B7K, but for another flavor the Tech 21 SansAmp is a staple bass pedal. I most use my Axe for guitar but do also use it for bass and bass recording. It would be great to be able to mix the SansAmp in parallel with a model of something like the SVT. I know I don't have the schematic on hand but maybe someone has one that could be thrown into this thread.
+1 here as well - been thinking of buying one of these after hearing a buddy's recording results but would much prefer to use my axeIII. Coincidentally I stumbled on this wish.
I got the BDDI V2 recently. I have a feeling that if this were to be implemented, Cliff would buy a new V2 one and there would be a lot of people complaining that the V1 was what they were hoping for instead. Haven't tried the V1 but from the clips online, the two units sound pretty drastically different. Luckily Leon Todd already tone matched that one and it's on Axe-Change. I could probably tone match V2 for you guys if you wanted but I'd first have to learn how to do so.
If you already own a Tech 21, how does it sound through the Axe FX 2? Pretty solid results? What if you're using the Axe as an interface through USB? I've always wanted a sansamp T21 but I've settled for a plugin that was free. I was thinking about getting the real deal if it's worth it.
If you already own a Tech 21, how does it sound through the Axe FX 2? Pretty solid results? What if you're using the Axe as an interface through USB? I've always wanted a sansamp T21 but I've settled for a plugin that was free. I was thinking about getting the real deal if it's worth it.
I've done a tone match of the T21 BDDI and it sounded great. (and it was in an Axe 2)

I agree with others above though, I'd rather not have to tone match it...would love to see it just be in the Axe III.
Ironically enough (looking at the people posting in this thread) - I purchased my BDDI from - @jimfist :)

What's up Jim?!
@BBN, Hey Jay. Not much new here. Same 5h!t, different pile. A couple gigs coming up, but still really slow. How about you?
What is the problem why this pedal is not incorporated? People have been asking for it since the Ax FX II.

Currently I have to carry the Axe FX III and the physical pedal and that's not the worst of it. I'm forced to put it before the Axe FX compressor, which I always like to put it after.
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