Synth block polyphonic?

Polyphonic synth guitar pedals are now a reality with the EHX Synth9 and the Boss SY-300.

Will the new synth block be capable of doing chords?
To be fair, the SY-300 isn't truly a synth, despite all the marketing. I have one, it does some groovy & neat things, but it's really just a very fancy filter.
Midi Guitar II is amazing. Not perfect, but amazing. Electro Harmonix has done quite a bit with polyphonic effects from a standard pickup. I'd love to see what Fractal can come up with.

Wish there was a box that would do this without having to use a computer and DAW.
IMHO youre wrong my friend,
perhaps you havent tried the latest iteration, or didnt fine tune it properly but ive had a great time wirh it and it is a Absolutely viable alternative to triple play which i also use or other hardware alternative. You are en titledto your own dogmatic opinion
,of course.....But on the other hand I don’t play anywhere near as fast as you do that…

sorry that program is terrible.
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i'm not wrong. It can't keep up with fast clean jazz lines and yes, I had version 2.

Agreed. For adding something like an atmospheric string pad behind the guitar it can work ok, and maybe even for monophonic synth leads if you play clean and pay close attention to string muting. That said, I’d never trust the program in a live situation. No way. I don’t even entirely trust the TriplePlay to perform accurately.

I don’t know if you’ve looked into these yet, but ROR Guitars makes the Expressiv MIDI Pro guitar which employs a fretboard scanner for MIDI triggering. I just placed an order for one. It’s not the prettiest guitar in the world, but I think it has great potential.
I’ve had rolands, axons, triple plays...they all were dissappointing.
guitarmidi2 is not bad and has the distinct advantage of requiring no guitar modification.
I have not tried the following, but the demos are the best i have yet seen, and the technology and approach appear solid.
I read this with great interest. I have long dreamt of how to use a simple guitar to get SynthAxe like sounds but have never been satisfied with Roland's pitch-to-MIDI solutions for reasons that probably don't require explanation here.

Bradlake & Jzucker, MIDI Guitar 2 really does require some sensitive tweaking to get usable/comfortable performance when executing rapid consecutive note events so I can see that some people would potentially not vibe with it until they get that spot on. Having said that, the actual VST/synth you use is also quite significant. I can't get the same performance level with all VSTs but when I do get the right match with MG2 it's crazy good.

It's worth considering that some power users have combined technology for optimized performance:
-Hex-equipped Guitar/Boss GP-10/6 separate instances of MG2 in their VST host;
-Hex-equipped Guitar/Boss GP-10/Bidule or Audio Mulch for multichannel rebalancing and mixing/MG2.

This can achieve some pretty impressive results. Pop over to the Vguitar forum and do a few searches. I just put up a post last week where I show MG2 outdoing the GP-10's direct pitch to MIDI over USB (and coming in very close behind FTP). Food for thought.

On the topic of the synth block in the Axe-FX III, it certainly would be very cool to get polyphonic on that and it would certainly have its uses. Imagine Simeon's synth block patches gone polyphonic...that would be wild! Still, they wouldn't perform anywhere near the level of the FTP.

What I think is potentially very cool is that if we can route USB audio from a DAW back into the FX grid in real-time now we'll have the possibility of a very simple routing process to apply wicked fractal FX to our outboard VST synth gear in tandem with everything else the axe is doing to your guitar signal. Of course, this can already be done via multiple inputs but it's finicky at best, requiring non-intuitive settings and extra bits and pieces of hardware to achieve the routing.
4k$ for a Strat ... :eek:
yep...but look at the increased labor cost of creating a facsimile response and the price while steep,
does not not require a computer whiz to function. ...for artist types, it is alluring.
...having said whiz kids on average make more money than there! :)
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