Suggestions for the perfect studio desk


Hi fractal guys, i found the perfect studio desk!

i cant yet post links, but if you search google: "monkwood 72w X 32d" and pick the second highest result, you will find the desk that i think is perfect.

what i like about it:

its simple

the rack/monitor shelves are perfect height for the monitors to stand on and it looks like the axe fx would fit perfectly in one of those shelves(i dont want there to be leftover space in the rack shelf when the axe fx is in there)

there is space for a computer screen between the two shelves, so the screen is in perfect eye height.

the sliding open drawer is nice to have if im getting a midi keyboard or just for a regular keyboard for the computer.

THE THING IS, it is too expensive but i cant find anything similar to this, that has the things i like about this desk(which i listed above) - so please help me find something similar if you know of any desk like this!

Boy that's a lot of money for a desk!
I got a nice wooden dining table, and fabricated a shelf that goes the whole length of the table, and sits just above the top of t he mixing desk. The monitors (studio and computer monitors) sit at a perfect height on that .. think it cost me a total of about $500... then you could buy another Axe FX with all the dough left over! ... It's nice though..
Wow. That's expensive. I just bought 2 rolling studio racks (100$ each), put a desk top on it (less than 50$) and a keyboard tray. Bam!, studio desk with rack spaces.
My monitors are on isolation pads, so they're high enough.
thanks for the reply!

what i really want though is 2 shelves so theres a space in between for the computer screen, with the shelves not having more than just enough space for the axe fx. thats is the most important thing to me. But im also thinking about building one myself with things from Ikea, but i cant find any shelves like the ones on the monkwood desk :)
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