Suggestion: Unified naming scheme for cab IRs


Fractal Fanatic
I find myself spending a fair amount of time editing the names on the cab IRs to my liking. Because of that, I propose having a unified naming scheme for cabs so that people don't need to spend time doing this as the creator can name them correctly. As the number of characters for cab IR names is limited, I suggest the following scheme:

Creator cabtype cabbrand[-model] mic[-micposition]

The brackets mean optional info. For example
laxu 4x12 Mar-1960B SM57-E-1"

would mean we have a "cab IR created by laxu, from a Marshall 1960B 4x12, miced with a SM57 1" away from edge".

Of course this is not perfect as sometimes you may instead want the combination of speakers or some extra info. In this case you could just follow the scheme as well as you can as you probably still have some sort of cab size there, just maybe replace the model with the speaker combination and so on.

What do you think?
I think it's a good suggestion.
If all IRs used a naming convention sorting and searching through them would be much easier of course!
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