Legacy Soulful Guitar Solo | Stel Andre

Stel Andre

Hey all! Here's a great tone that I am using whenever I wanna play something very melodic and smooth. Andy Timmons like! So I am using my Kiesel 6 string, into my Axe-Fx 2 and I am using one of my signature Axe-Fx 2 patches based on a VoxAC amp. Lovely tone, very dynamic and responsive under the pick. I love to use such tones that enhance the dynamics and the melodic playing. Hope you like it!
Hey all! Here's a great tone that I am using whenever I wanna play something very melodic and smooth. Andy Timmons like! So I am using my Kiesel 6 string, into my Axe-Fx 2 and I am using one of my signature Axe-Fx 2 patches based on a VoxAC amp. Lovely tone, very dynamic and responsive under the pick. I love to use such tones that enhance the dynamics and the melodic playing. Hope you like it!

Love the way that sounds an awesome playing....
Very nice tone, maybe to much notes for an Andy Timmons Fan....?:) I also love his reduced melodic Playing. Saw him first in the late ´90s years in Stuttgart in a little club, playing all those Melodics with pitchharmonic tapping, absolut relaxed, whatever he played.

Have you ever tried to use the Lonestaramp in the Axe II? I love the cleansound of it, but maybe to dump to dial in the leadsoundamp.
Thank you so very much people! I appreciate your kind words! Yes I have tried the Lonestar, its one of my fave amps as well in there. I just love fractal. Such a dynamic unit that hardly any other piece of equipment can beat.
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