FM3 Presets SinMix FM3 Metal Pack Out Now! [24 Presets Not for Noobs!]

Third-party preset or preset pack for the FM3
Modern Metal Preset inside my FM3 Pack. This time Fas Ampsims and Ir's from my 2 Hesu Cabinets 212 and 412. Hesu Demon Speaker also inside!

Stay Metal!
Thanks Boss, Im on it!!!

Forgot my p/w and the reset one you gave me has a bunch of0Ooo's and cant get it sorted😪
Hi nooobs! You can use factory presets or custom presets with custom cabs speakers from Me for diff but still killer sound! Here Hesu 412 cab and Demon Speaker in a mix ( yes noobs! Hesu made one Oversized cab) and i have this one! or just go for another Meba Boogie Megasize cab pack! 😂 Ohh wait Djent Pack (based on same Mesa cab sounds better) noooo... mixready giant BoobsPacks is better :D

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