Simultaneously Record Wet & DI Tracks with an Apollo 8 & LPX

Todd McNaughton

New Member
Hello, this is my first post and request. I just received my Axe-Fx III and it’s off to a good start. I’m running S/PIDF from the Axe to my UAD Apollo 8 Quad (Thunderbolt 2 connection) and when I choose the S/PIDF connection in Logic Pro X (S/F L/R) I get a solid, clean, amazing sound that nicely prints to the track. So it appears I’m all set for my wet tracks.

I would be very grateful if someone could list the settings in Axe’s I/O sub-menus, Logic Ins and Outs, additional cables (?), and Console (the Apollo’s computer GUI/interface) settings to simultaneously record my wet track and my dry/DI track. Can I record a wet and a DI track at the same time using just my S/PIDF cables?

I’ve tried with a UAD representative earlier today and I asked around and read several posts and a number of reamping videos (treating and already recorded DI) and I haven’t seen a post listing all of the settings to accomplish this for my setup.

My session is at a 48 kHz sample rate, UA Console has the SR Convert turned ON, and Axe-Edit is working great. Thank you in advance for your support. I’m excited to join the community! - todd
A. Create a new path of shunts from Input 1 to Output 1 block


B. Add a multiplexer block set to Input 1 in an unused space just before & connected to Output 1 block


2. Balance the processed & DI rows oppositely in Output 1 block.

Method A would have any Input 1 block noise gating applied to the DI signal, which might be undesirable. I don't think B would, but you might want to verify that using obvious gate settings before recording this way.
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Hello, this is my first post and request. I just received my Axe-Fx III and it’s off to a good start. I’m running S/PIDF from the Axe to my UAD Apollo 8 Quad (Thunderbolt 2 connection) and when I choose the S/PIDF connection in Logic Pro X (S/F L/R) I get a solid, clean, amazing sound that nicely prints to the track. So it appears I’m all set for my wet tracks.

I would be very grateful if someone could list the settings in Axe’s I/O sub-menus, Logic Ins and Outs, additional cables (?), and Console (the Apollo’s computer GUI/interface) settings to simultaneously record my wet track and my dry/DI track. Can I record a wet and a DI track at the same time using just my S/PIDF cables?

I’ve tried with a UAD representative earlier today and I asked around and read several posts and a number of reamping videos (treating and already recorded DI) and I haven’t seen a post listing all of the settings to accomplish this for my setup.

My session is at a 48 kHz sample rate, UA Console has the SR Convert turned ON, and Axe-Edit is working great. Thank you in advance for your support. I’m excited to join the community! - todd
Welcome , Todd. I have the same rig as you, and I am pretty sure that you cannot record wet and dry simultaneously using Spdif only.
However, know that the USB audio implementation is strong in the III, and a dry track can easily be recorded in Logic using Out 5/6
While also using spdif for wet tracks, and you also have the choice of using a analog dry signal for reamping... These choices are
Well documented in the manual, and you will be amazed at the routing flexibiility once you get more familiar with the unit.
Have fun.
Edit... are you aware of the Aggregate Device settingsin Mac OS, this is crucial to fully accessing all
In/outs of both Apollo and the III together in Logic... set that up ASAP if you haven’t yet. (This is accomplished in yer Audio Midi setup in Utilities....
EDIT EDIT...perhaps @Bakerman has your specific answer above....this guy seems to be omniscient ....haven’t tried that method , but it will prolly work.
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