Hey there, guys. New username, but I used to be a member back when I got my standard in 2010. I recently picked up a GCP for cheap, and I'm having a hell of a time getting it integrated with my Axe. I've searched the forums, read both manuals, and while I feel I've done everything correctly, I get nothing when pressing either the patch buttons or any of the IA controls. The midi in light on the Axe will flash, but thats it. I've got it setup to run 4 presets/8 IA, and while all the tutorials I've found have been very helpful, given the age of the Standard, most if not all videos on YouTube are gone. I feel like I'm missing something or maybe a couple somethings, but I'm hoping some of you out there still run this archaic setup. Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.