Setlist/Song/Sections and Midi Block - Possible Bug?

Dear all
My environment:
AXE FX3 (first Generation) firmware 20.04, FC-6 firmware 1.12, AXE Edit 1.12.07 (macOS 10.15.7).

The situation:
You have two presets. both with Midi Block:

Preset No. 1 (Midi Block)
Scene 1: Program Change, channel 11, value 12
Scene 1: Program Change, channel 12, value 54
Scene 2: Program Change, channel 11, value 14
Scene 2: Program Change, channel 12, value 27
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 11, value 32
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 12, value 21
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 11, value 17
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 12, value 96

Preset no. 2 (Midi Block)
Scene 1: Program Change, channel 11, value 1
Scene 1: Program Change, channel 12, value 5
Scene 2: Program Change, channel 11, value 7
Scene 2: Program Change, channel 12, value 9
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 11, value 24
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 12, value 54
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 11, value 5
Scene 3: Program Change, channel 12, value 8

You create a song with Sections:
Song 1:

Section1: Preset 2 / Scene 2
Section2: Preset 1 / Scene 3
Section3: Preset 2 / Scene 4
Section4: Preset 1 / Scene 1

With the FC-6 you configure 4 switches to recall the 4 sections.

Steps to reproduce:
Select Section 1(Preset 2 / Scene 2): The Midi Block should send the following:
Scene 2: Program Change, Channel 11, Value 7
Scene 2: Program Change, channel 12, value 9
But it does not do that. The values of the 1st scene of the Midi Block are sent instead:
Scene 1: Program Change, channel 11, value 1
Scene 1: Program Change, channel 12, value 5

The error can only be reproduced if in a song the sections are configured with different presets. If in a song all sections are configured with different scenes from one preset, it seems to work.

Thanks in advance :)
I think songs/sections load the “as saved” or whatever option you have briefly then change scenes to the selected one immediately after. That could explain the behavior.
Thank you for the reply. I have tested it with "as saved" and "Scene 1" for the default scene setting. It seems it behaves like you mentioned. But this is not usable like it is now. If I call up a preset with a certain scene then it should load/fire the values of the Midi Block which is configured for this particular scene.
yes, that's how it currently works. it loads the "default" Scene first then quickly loads the requested Scene afterwards. i'm guessing it sends the default scene's MIDI and because changing to the requested scene happens so fast, either the MIDI Block doesn't send again, or the next device isn't receiving it that fast.

this would be a wish list item to change the behavior of how Sections load Scenes chosen when not default.
I’m happy with how it currently works. I use Scene 8 as the default, first load screen. It uses midi to set the lighting programme to the song. Then, as I play through the song, with separate screens for verse, chorus, bridge, and solo, each scene changes lighting patterns within the programme.
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