Scene Revert and Tuner off


Power User

I'm not sure whether this is a feature, an oversight or a bug, therefore I'm posting here.

I have my AXE II configured for Scene Revert (not Preset Revert) on reselecting a patch on my MFC, but if I have the tuner engaged hitting the switch for the patch again will NOT get me out of tuner mode, and the tuner then is NO LONGER shown on the MFC - only on the AXE itself. Because I let the tuner mute the output I'm getting no tone until I select another patch or re-enter tuner-mode and exit tuner-mode on the MFC. This is confusing and got me into trouble at my gig yesterday again.
So please make reseleting a patch or a scene on the MFC exit the tuner...


And BTW: 15.03 sounds great!

BTW2: The guitar player in the band following us played an AXE-IIXL, funny meeting on the stage. ;-)
We were both supporting for Anastacia, and she was fantastic!
Please somebody try this:
Recall a scene via the MFC, set "alternate preset" to off, scene recall to on, ignore redundant PCs to off, switch the tuner on, re-recall the scene.
When I do that on my system the tuner stays on (displayed on the AXE's screen) but the MFC does no longer show the tuner but the patch name.
Happens here too.
Maybe post this in the Bugs section.
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