Scene IA +CC +PC?


Power User

I'm having trouble figuring this out with the manual, so perhaps you can help: can the mfc send a scene change, and to a 2nd midi device send a CC message AND a PC message with a single button press?

Thanks for clearing this up!
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Yes. By programming an IA switch as a general function MIDI switch. Set its Axe-Fx function to NONE. Then assign the CCs in Edit > MIDI. You need CC34 +value for the scene change. Edit > MIDI also lets you specify the PC.
By specifying the MIDI channel the other device is on.
Ok, so I’m trying to map this out for myself so I understand how to do this:

For example,

I want MFC IA# 2 to do this:
  Activate Scene 2 in the Axefx 2 (midi ch. 1)
  In the 2nd device (midi channel 2) send PC# 55 to activate, PC# 73 to bypass and also send CC# 0

  Set IA# 2 as General Use IA switch (Axefx function per switch= NONE)
  Edit-> Midi
  Enter into the MFC: “IA02c1 CC#0 Ch02”
  Then, Edit->Midi
  Enter into the MFC: “IA02pON PC# 55 Ch02”
  Enter into the MFC: “IA02pOFF PC# 73 Ch02”
  Then, for scene assignment:
  Edit-> Midi
  Enter into the MFC: “IA02c2 CC#35 Ch01”
  CC#34 +1 (for IA #2)
  Since, scene select is CC#34 + value listed, scene #2 is listed with a value of “1” added to CC#34?
Is this everything in this scenario, or did I get something wrong?
Almost. The "Scene change" CC defaults to 34.
The CC "value" (0-127) determines the scene number.
Where value 0 = scene 1, value 1 = scene 2 etc.

So to change to scene 2 using CCs you must do this:

“IA02 c2 CC#34 Ch01”
“IA02 c2 OffOFF On001"
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