Redwirez 50% sale


Certified Bug Hunter
Redwirez have a 50 percent sale for the next couple of weeks.

How do they compare to York Audio or ownhammer?
Strangely enough, IRs from each IR vendor have their own "color". How they doing it, is their secret. One may use post-processing, the other doesn't etc.

RW's key selling point is the large number of IRs per cabinet, covering many mics and mic positions. Their collection covers many of the best-known cabs. But: no UltraRes.
Strangely enough, IRs from each IR vendor have their own "color". How they doing it, is their secret. One may use post-processing, the other doesn't etc.

RW's key selling point is the large number of IRs per cabinet, covering many mics and mic positions. Their collection covers many of the best-known cabs. But: no UltraRes.
Ah Jaysus..... No UltraRes
I just purchased mixIR3 with all the bigbox bundles. They sound absolutely great. There are no .wav mixes (except for the presets mixIR3). mixIR3 is designed to make your own mixes, and I appreciate all the different mic positions, it allows to finetune your sound perfectly.
Curious if anyone purchased the "A Series EQ" or "N Series EQ" for mixIR3. I have mixIR3 and all the latest (and legacy) IR bundles.

If you have what are your thoughts? Good/Bad/Neutral? Recommendations?
I don't have any York Audio but do have a couple of Ownhammer packs and both Redwirez BigBox guitar packs and prefer Redwirez. Ownhammer IRs sound really good and I could be happy with them but do sound a bit over polished or smooth to my ears. The Redwirez IRs feel more raw or open, more live sounding.

The only way I can think of to describe the difference compared to OH is the RW sounds like I mic'd the cab and OH was mic'd by someone else. Most players have a preference for how they like their cabs mic'd and I found that RW doesn't make me feel like I want to adjust the mic a bit. I wouldn't get too stuck on the lack of UltraRes, Redwirez are great sounding IRs but I'm not you.
I have ML Soundlab, York, OH, and Redwirez

they all sound good and just different in their own ways. I would say Redwirez is definitely worth trying! I don’t think you will be unhappy with them.
Just my two cents.
I had a chance to spend more time with the Vintage Classic Bundle, specifically the Preset folder which I really like the way that folder is labeled and laid out. I’m finding a lot of great tones in there, they have a real nice clarity to them for lack of a better description. Finally found some Bassman IR’s that satisfied me
That's what I've noticed about their IRs as well.
Thats interesting, I haven’t spent any in-depth time with those yet but I will tomorrow. I’m sticking with the preset folder because it Is a bit overwhelming

I have to say that I didn't touch them again since I purchased the pack around 2010. I will give them another opportunity with Cygnus.
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