Question for the MC6 users


Power User
The Morningstar MC6 looks like a great midi pedal and nice alternative if you want a smaller, lighter midi pedal.

I would typically use the MC6 with the Axefx 2 for changing scenes in a preset, but I have a need that I can't quite figure out looking at the manual: I need the pedal to also a special thing on only one preset on the axefx 2. I need the MC6 to work in scenes (as normal), but on a particular Axefx preset, I need one scene button on the MC6 to also send PC messages to an external midi device. On other Axefx presets, I don't want the external device to be sent PC messages. Hope this makes sense...

Is this possible? On the MFC you can't assign a button on one preset to do this, and on another preset to NOT have that same button do this.

For example:

Axefx Preset 001:
Scenes 1,2,3,4,5 work normally & ignore a midi Digitech Whammy connected in the rig

Axefx Preset 002:
Scenes 1 and 2 ALSO send a PC message to to turn ON a setting on a Digitech Whammy
Scenes 3 and 4 ALSO send a PC message to to turn OFF a setting on a Digitech Whammy

Axefx Preset 003:
Scenes 1,2,3,4,5 work normally & ignore a midi Digitech Whammy connected in the rig
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It’s possible, but if you did that (a MC6 preset for every AxeFX preset, you’d run out of MC6 presets). You’d be better off setting up two banks on the MC6 (one for configuration (without whammy) one for configuration B (with Whammy) and just changing between them.

MC6 can send 8 midi messages per switch, so is very flexible.
It’s possible, but if you did that (a MC6 preset for every AxeFX preset, you’d run out of MC6 presets). You’d be better off setting up two banks on the MC6 (one for configuration (without whammy) one for configuration B (with Whammy) and just changing between them.

MC6 can send 8 midi messages per switch, so is very flexible.

Ok, and I understand how to scroll through the MC6's own banks, so how would I scroll through Axefx 2 presets?
Hmmm... is this the best solution?

MC6 Bank 1: for scrolling up & down Axefx 2 presets
MC6 Bank 2: Scenes without the external whammy pedal
MC6 Bank 3: Scenes WITH the external whammy pedal

Is this the best solution?
Ah, you didn’t mention changing AXeFX patches in your original text! That could be done by
1) having a third MC6 bank with PC+ and PC- options,
2) plugging a three button extension switch into the MC6 that has two of the buttons mapped to PC+ and PC-,
3) You could also use the six ‘double’ switch options (press A and D together) to send a PC+ message and double on C and F to send PC-.

It depends on how simple you want to set it up. But if you think of the MC6 as having banks of button sending midi data and you don’t have to match the MC6 patch to the AXeFX patch it’s much easier to get it working.
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Hmmm... is this the best solution?

MC6 Bank 1: for scrolling up & down Axefx 2 presets
MC6 Bank 2: Scenes without the external whammy pedal
MC6 Bank 3: Scenes WITH the external whammy pedal

Is this the best solution?

Yes, that’s the idea! I have three banks for AX8 (scenes , looper control and volume up down/rarely used IA switches), I also have two banks for controlling my PC Daw for use in a different configuration. Also have a bank dedicated to strumon controls. Banks allow you to change what’s the MC6 controls do - don’t tie them to one per AXeFX preset (though you can make it send a PC message and change its own bank if needed!)
These are the additional 5 presets you can get per bank using dual switch combinations - I use them for infrequently used commands. They can change MC6 banks, send external Pc changes, etc.

Dual Switch Functions

Preset Switches

G = press buttons D+E
H = press buttons E+F
I = press buttons A+D
J = press buttons B+E
K = press buttons C+F
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