Programming Multi-Amp Patches?


Anyone have any best practices to recommend? It seems popular for some top artists to use the two amps at once thing. Is this well done through the axe in a FOG/FRFR/Headphones setup? Should we pan the amps hard-left/hard-right or can it be mixed in the center? I have only one FRFR monitor, can I still get an ideal result if it's mono?
I use only dual amps in a few patches. I mostly use them to switch to different sounds within a patch(Scenes).

I am sure you can find some inspiration in Fremens patchs and Yeks patchs - Search forum.

Kind regards

For mono FOH/FRFR... Find out two amps/sounds you like - one dark (which may not cut through well in a mix alone) and another brighter amp using the same cab. Make each amp sounds as perfect as you can. Then mix those amp blocks levels with original settings and there you go :) It's all about the mix levels - two different amps will give you more tonal possibilities than one can ever produce!
A gain amp and clean amp (or direct) can mix nicely, mixing in some clean/direct can punch up you attack. In this setup pan them the same.
...can I still get an ideal result if it's mono?
You can get a great result if it's mono. Will it be ideal? That depends on what your goal is. If your goal is two amps in stereo, then no—mono won't be ideal. :)
I have a few presets that use two amp blocks. Some I use to morph between two sounds, clean/crunch using an exp. pedal. Others its just purely to create a blend of two amps. In those presets I don't have them panned even though I run my rig in stereo. The stereo part for me is just the effect blocks, delay's reverbs etc. Although the idea is interesting in principal, I've thought about it many times but i'm yet to create a preset that involves two 'panned' amps. The beauty of this unit is you can try all this stuff and not have to worry about blowing anything up!
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