Wish Programming Language


A programming language so a player can implement mods to a preset. It would intercept events such as FS and pedal activity, and be able to effect the sound by making mods such as adjusting attributes of amps, effects, etc.

This is crazy talk, isn't it?
You have this already with controllers. They can be assigned to external controllers like switches and pedals. Or to scene changes. Or to LFOs or ASDR or envelope detectors.
what would be cool is to allow for expression linking of parameters. Like say you wanted to link the bypass state of two blocks, maybe you want delay1 to always turn on with drive2, so you add a "delay1.bypass" expression to "drive2.bypass", or maybe you want delay1 to go off with drive2, so you add a "!(drive2.bypass)" to delay1's bypass knob... Also cool if you could do math on them, perhaps you want some rate to always be twice the max of 3 other rates so you could add a "2*(max(max(rate2, rate3), rate1)" type of expression to rate4 or what have ya.

Could really open up some powerful modifier ability, but probably a lot of overhead to constantly evaluate the expressions for every parameter in every update period while also leaving the dsp to maintain all the audio calculations though. Also an interface that would probably make sense in the various *Edit softwares, but really unwieldy from the front panel.
what would be cool is to allow for expression linking of parameters. Like say you wanted to link the bypass state of two blocks, maybe you want delay1 to always turn on with drive2, so you add a "delay1.bypass" expression to "drive2.bypass", or maybe you want delay1 to go off with drive2, so you add a "!(drive2.bypass)" to delay1's bypass knob... Also cool if you could do math on them, perhaps you want some rate to always be twice the max of 3 other rates so you could add a "2*(max(max(rate2, rate3), rate1)" type of expression to rate4 or what have ya.
It's not infinitely flexible, but you do have options to do this now. You can use wildcard IAs -- IA switches that are mapped to external controllers in the hardware -- and then make a single IA press change multiple things, including the bypass states of blocks.

Or you can use scenes and scene controllers. Both give you quite a bit of what you describe above, with some limitations.

If there are specific combinations of changes you're after but can't figure out just post a preset and we can help you work through it.
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