Problem after upgrade: boost volume not lowered by hitting another preset switch


Worked fine before upgrade.
I have IA5 configured as a boost switch.
I also went through all my presets and changed Alternate Preset to GBL from I01.

I play preset 3 for example, need to solo, so hit BOOST (switch 5). Works fine. Hitting Boost again correctly lowers volume to previous level.
BUT, if I instead of hitting switch 5 a 2nd time to shut off boost because I need to switch to preset 2, when I hit switch 2 the volume does not drop to normal, even though the boost light goes out.
At that point, the volume stays the higher level when I switch presets back and forth, unless I hit the boost off and on, in which case volume drops back to normal.
Any thoughts?
While upgrading to MFC 2.02 I found the solution in the Release Notes:

3. To preserve 1.04 behavior, you will need to manually set all NON AXE-FX IA Switches to “Send w/ Preset: YES” (Edit… Settings… Page 10x right and set each IA to “Send w/Preset: YES”)

Does this need also to be done if REVEAL switch 1 and 2 are used for Vol Inc/Dec?
I don't think it matters for vol inc/dec. The way those work now you'd likely want the IAs set up as momentary or auto-off, and it's irrelevant if a 0 value goes out at preset change.
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