Presets VS Scenes

Hey Guys. I was hoping someone could give me some advice.
I just got my MFC today. I have the need of
1 rhythm (different amp than lead)
2 lead
3 clean with delay for a specific song
4 jake Bowen Dreamless preset.
(3 and 4 can be the same amp)
How would one go about this setup without a bunch of tap dancing?
put all the blocks you need in a preset, arranged the way you need them.
use the 8 Scenes to adjust what block is on and what channel is on
assign Scene switches to the MFC.

i personally use just one preset for all my gigs with 6 scenes ranging from clean to lead, and other switches can turn on/off other effects.

this is more a question about how to use Scenes than using the MFC. here's an old video i did explaining Scenes and XY switching (which the Axe3 now calls Channels). it's long, but for you might be worth the watch to see why Scenes exist and ways to use it:

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