Wish Preset Swap

Until this is available, using Edit I am Exporting Preset, then Importing Preset into the number I want it in. Works fine...not as elegant for sure, but I can swap two presets in about 15 seconds. Snapshot works too - maybe even a little quicker with one less mouse click.
Yes I liked and used the swap feature, from the front panel all the time on my II XL+. Can't imagine why this and the ability to backup the AXE on the built in AXE chip was eliminated?
I like to do everything on front panel and wish I would have a swap preset function to reorganize set-lists
At a gig now and just went to reorder a couple of presets like I used to in the Axe-Fx II and discovered I can’t! What?!
+1 for a way to do this on the unit, without saving one to a third location, then saving each one to the location you actually want.
..and i'm the OP :) i love the AX3 so much, and the constant improvements in sound are truly unbelievable, but that little SWAP feature on the AX2 is still sorely missed by me, and it looks like several others^

is it just impossible? due to technical constraints or whatever? would like to know if it's just on a long to-do list somewhere or if it simply can't be done with the Ax3 architecture.

keep up the great work guys :)
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