Preset/ Scene amp x/y issue


Hello again,
Ok what am I doing wrong please ?

I’ve read & re read the manual. I’ve studied YouTube’s etc.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can’t get 2 different amps into the xy amp block to recall reliably.
If I use the same amp with different problem.
But if I load 2 different amps as x & y, it’s hit n miss.
I’ve modified a JCM, a Citrus & a Vox for starters.

I’ve saved them as separate amps so I can recall 2 of them into presets.
I plan to use scenes, but I’ve gotta get the amp block working properly first.

I’ve been loading the JCM into X.
All good...but when I load the citrus for example into y, it seems to go in ok but the patch will say it’s been built around the Vox amp & obviously it doesn’t sound the same as with the citrus I made it with.
What am I missing here please ?
Save your patch every time you change and see if it will be the same. It also helps if you share the patch and we can try in our Ax8
I did try saving after each step & all is good up until loading the 2nd amp.
I even tried putting the citrus in x (all good) then putting JCM into y & the citrus then says it’s built around a Vox.🤬

I’m not able to get back to the AX8 for another 12 hours or so but thank you for the support.
Always check the X and Y Amps before you save the Block. Because when you load it, it will ALWAYS load BOTH of them, right as you saved it.
I hope that info can help you out.
If you're talking about using the block library, remember it's a BLOCK... Its not an X library or a Y library.

You saved the whole block, you load the whole block.
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