AFIII Preset Of The Week - Moke's Custom Presets!

Hi @DougB415, I've just realized who you are! You are the chap from Youtube that does all of the great videos. I always ready myself with a cup of tea before sitting and watching your latest uploads on YT.
It is great to hear that you also love Mokes the boys are back, so can I ask (suggest?) that it would be wonderful if you could do a video relating to harmony stuff? Also, another thing that amazes me from Moke's the boys are back is how you can play a chord and then play single-note stuff in harmony without touching a foot pedal. How about a video on your take on how to do that?
Keep up the good work, I appreciate the time you give to the Fractal community, you are one of the shining stars!
Best wishes
PS I could have sent this as a PM, but thought it would be pleasant to just continue with it here as I think a lot of people also show their appreciation for what you do and provide.
Also, another thing that amazes me from Moke's the boys are back is how you can play a chord and then play single-note stuff in harmony without touching a foot pedal. How about a video on your take on how to do that?

Regarding playing a chord and then single note stuff with harmonies, I believe one can use the pitch follower to determine if one is playing higher-pitched notes, it knows to add the harmonies.
You can find Leon Todd's video about that here, used in a different context.
Hi @rushfan, Thank you for the Leon link. I am familiar with how to set up the pitch follower but think that Doug's videos could also provide a good insight into how to do it which could (would) entertain and educate those good folks who may not know how to do it. I dissected Moke's preset to figure it out, but I am still puzzled about how to achieve (build a preset to match in essence) what the harmonies do at the end of his "The Boys are Back in Town". Moke and DougB415 are two of my fave Fractal stars.
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